Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti paid homage to the martyrs of the Saradran village of Istog

May 8, 2024

Saradran, Istog, 8 May, 2024

Today’s morning, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, started with tributes to the tombstone of the Saradran village of Istog, on the 25th anniversary of the massacre, as well as placing fresh flowers on the tombstone of the martyrs Demush Mavraj, Ibish Mavraj and Bekim Mavraj.

While honoring all the martyrs and martyrs who fell for the freedom of Kosovo, Prime Minister Kurti spoke about the massacre 25 years ago when the Serbian military, police and paramilitary forces separated 18 men, 16 Albanians and two Egyptians and shot them.

“We have living witnesses. The living witness is Naim Elshani, who has also identified one of those, over 30 soldiers, policemen and paramilitaries, who killed and executed, with the initials E.B, but it means that only one is in custody out of over 30. ‘, he expressed.

This, the Prime Minister said, means that justice has begun, but it is far from closing the wound by placing behind bars all those who gave orders and executed the civilian and unarmed population.
Prime Minister Kurti said that the blood of those who fell on Kosovo’s long and difficult road to freedom will never be atoned for and their names will never be forgotten.

“It is part of the modern history of Kosovo, but it is also the place from which the state that we have is fed and the freedom that we enjoy,” the Prime Minister emphasized.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete statement:

With the Deputy Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Mentor Arifajn, with colleagues, with kind friends, with family members of the martyrs, with residents of Saradran village, we recently placed fresh flowers at the tombstone of the three martyrs Mavraj, Demushi, Ibish and Bekim, who clashed with Serbian enemy forces 25 years ago.

Previously, we were also at the tombstone of the martyrs, where 25 years ago, again here, among the civilian population gathered from other villages, the Serbian military police, paramilitary forces separated 18 men, 16 Albanians and two Egyptians and shot them. We have living witnesses. The living witness is Naim Elshani, who has also identified one of those, over 30 soldiers, policemen and paramilitary, who killed and executed, with the initials E.B, but it means that only one is in custody out of over 30. This means that justice has begun, but it is far from closing the wound by putting behind bars all those who gave orders and executed the civilian and unarmed population.

Meanwhile, glory be to all those who fell on Kosovo’s long and difficult road to freedom, martyrs and martyrs of the nation. Their blood is never redeemed. Their name is never forgotten. It is part of the modern history of Kosovo, but it is also the place from which the state that we have is fed and the freedom that we enjoy!


Last modified: May 8, 2024

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