Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti organized a reception for compatriots at the Government’s Open Balcony

August 2, 2024

Prishtina, 2 August, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, yesterday evening organized a reception for his compatriots at the Open Balcony of the Government.

Welcoming everyone, Prime Minister Kurti began his welcoming speech with congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the country’s liberation.

“I’m glad to see you, and happy 25th anniversary of the liberation of our country. This year is jubilee and special, because it was a quarter of a century in freedom. Here again, we express our deep gratitude and our high respects to all those who sacrificed for freedom. Humbly from our side, the glory belongs to them, eternally”, said the Prime Minister.

He singled out some of the main initiatives during this administration to facilitate the provision of services to expatriates with the new fees for consular services, their involvement in the institutional life in the country, through the Citizen Diplomacy Program, investment opportunities through the Diaspora Investment Window, registration of emigrants that is being done online for the first time through the Ediaspora platform and welcoming programs and platforms such as “Taste Kosovo” which through various activities during the summer with the aim of strengthening the connection of emigrants with the country.

The Prime Minister emphasized that our emigration has always had the will, patriotism, readiness. What the emigrant lacked, he added, is “the state in its arms and the institutional infrastructure to turn the inexhaustible will, exemplary patriotism and permanent readiness into the development of the country for more rights, for more well-being. The Government Our company knows this very well and we are committed to this every day.”

This reception was organized within the framework of the “Taste Kosovo” platform, in celebration of Diaspora Day.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Dear attendees,
Ladies and gentleman,
Sisters and brothers,

Welcome every year, more than once a year, and welcome again this year here in the Open Balcony of your Government.

I’m glad to see you, and happy 25th anniversary of the liberation of our country. This year is jubilee and special, because it was a quarter of a century in freedom. Here again, we express our deep gratitude and our high respects to all those who sacrificed for freedom. Humbly on our part, the glory belongs to them, eternally.

The liberation, the nationwide sacrifice between generations, the declaration of independence have been well worth it.

The economy of our country or the Gross Domestic Product this year will be five and a half times bigger than in 2000. I am not comparing it with the year 1999, which was the year of the return of refugees after the war, but I am comparing it with the year 2000. In less than 25 years the economy has grown five and a half times. Meanwhile, compared to the year when independence was declared, this year’s Gross Domestic Product will be three times larger than in that year.
Meanwhile, compared to four years earlier, this year we have a 50% higher Gross Domestic Product.
Citizens are freer. Our country is more independent and developed. Democracy is always healthier. Governance is getting better and better. And I don’t believe there has been any Government in the past more exile than this current one. First, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, my Deputy Prime Minister Mrs. We have Donika Gërvalla Schwarz from exile. Then Liza Gashi, before being your deputy minister, worked closely with you in networking and connecting the emigrants and the diaspora with Kosovo.

Yesterday we had a whole day organization and evening concert for our compatriots in “Skënderbeu” Square here in the capital. Tomorrow there is another concert there, “Ramë Lahaj and Friends”. We have gathered here as part of the “Taste Kosovo” platform that we are organizing for the fourth year in a row with many activities throughout the summer that contribute to your and your children’s connection with their country. Summer in Kosovo is becoming more and more interesting and attractive.

Outside of the summer months, together we started the “Dialogue with Mergata”. Over 100 meetings have been held in different cities of the world, with the aim of creating a two-way communication and listening to the requests and suggestions of the members of the diaspora.

We have changed the law so that you and your family members can vote more easily, in the embassies and consulates of our common state, except through internal mail and physical voting in Kosovo.
Last year we organized the International Forum “Ulpiana Forum” where the topic of diaspora diplomacy, migration and the construction of an international network for cooperation in these fields was addressed, with the participation of 21 recognizing and non-recognizing states, civil society, academia and experts in the field. We will organize the forum again this year, during the fall.

For the first time, the online registration of the diaspora is taking place through the ediaspora.rks-gov.net platform. If there are those among you who have not yet registered, our invitation to register applies even more to you, until August 31st.

We have completely removed some consular services fees, such as that of restoration of citizenship. We have reduced many others. We are covering the costs of the vehicle insurance policy this year as well. All this because we want to bring the state of Kosovo closer to you, which offers you more and costs you less.

And to bring you closer to the state, where you both give and earn, and the state benefits, we have opened the “Diaspora Investment Window”. Through it, we will guarantee loans for businesses with owners from the diaspora who want to invest in the homeland theirs, in their homeland. Mergata not only has valuable expertise that is equally valuable to us. We are now in the second year of the Citizen Diplomacy Program that enables young professionals from the diaspora to engage in our institutions. So far 30 young people have been part of this authentic program – 10 in the first generation, 20 in the second generation, and the third generation is expected to have 25 professionals. Some of them are here tonight and some are continuing to stay in Kosovo and have found employment even after the end of the program. Honestly, there is a return of brains, and the brains of our compatriots who help us in our institutions are a daily proof of the good work they do and the results we reap together.

Such cases are not rare. Today, I was visiting the company here in Pristina. Where the owner is two brothers who have returned from Germany and are developing their business in Kosovo. Last year they employed 50 people, now they had 70.

We have another fresh case with the “Orllati” consortium. Companies from our diaspora in Switzerland, together with partners and companies in Germany and Kosovo, won the first solar auction of 100 MW. Together we will invest 70 million euros. And in the framework of the transparent competition, from the price of 75 euros per megawatt, which we started with, in the end it resulted in only 48.88 euros per megawatt hour.

Our emigration has always had the will, the patriotism, the readiness, and for this we have witnesses to you, the families, the relatives, those who are there and come here like you. Several times a year, not only this year, and this is not debatable. What the emigrant lacked is the state in her arms and the institutional infrastructure to turn her inexhaustible will, exemplary patriotism and permanent readiness into the development of the country for more rights, for more well-being. And our government knows this very well. We commit to this every day.

Welcome back, I’m looking forward to chatting with you all. The night is young and beautiful, and this pleasant evening has only just begun.

Thank you.

Last modified: August 2, 2024

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