Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti met with the Federal Councilor of Switzerland, Beat Jans

January 17, 2024

Davos, 17 January, 2024

The day in Davos, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, started with the meeting of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, with the Federal Councilor of Switzerland, Beat Jans.

Prime Minister Kurti first expressed his gratitude for Switzerland’s continuous support to our country. Furthermore, he emphasized the achievements of the government during these last three years.

Especially in the fight against corruption and the economic growth of the country, as aspects related to justice and development and prosperity. Likewise, the fight against illegality in the north, but also cooperation with security institutions of friendly and partner countries, has brought tangible results in the prevention of organized crime and illegal activities.

The Prime Minister briefed Federal Counselor Jans on the Veting process and on the Confiscation of Unjustified Assets. They also talked about the security situation in the region, about the terrorist attack and the act of aggression in Banjska, about our efforts for the integration of the Serbian community and their pluralistic, democratic and social political rights.

Also, the extraordinary potential of our diaspora in Switzerland and their contribution to society was appreciated by Mr. Jans. On the other hand, Prime Minister Kurti emphasized the positive influence of the diaspora for Kosovo and their success in the fields in which they operate.

Prime Minister Kurti emphasized the joint initiatives with Switzerland, such as the two agreements on mutual legal assistance: on the Transfer of Convicted Persons and on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.

Expressing the readiness and will for further strengthening of cooperation, Prime Minister Kurti thanked Federal Counselor Jans for the productive conversation and the ideas exchanged.

Last modified: January 22, 2024

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