Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti met the vice presidents and municipal officials for the communities, discussion topic “Prevention of early marriages”

June 7, 2024


Prishtina, 7 June, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, today participated in the meeting with the vice-presidents and municipal officials for the communities, with the central topic of discussion “Prevention of early marriages”. In addition to the representatives of local institutions, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, the Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rashiq, the Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Sylejman Elshani and the Deputy of the Assembly of Kosovo, Erxhan Galushi, were also present at this meeting.

In his introductory speech, Prime Minister Kurti emphasized that the common goal of all actors present is the prevention of early marriages. This phenomenon, which especially affects girls, as the Prime Minister said, is followed by the loss of their opportunities in education, for their eventual children, and thus for entire families.

“It is a generally hidden phenomenon, but the figures of UNICEF and the Statistics Agency, from 2020, show us that in the age group of 20 to 24 years, 31% of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian women and girls were married under the age 18 years old. This means that hundreds of girls, every year, who have their rights and opportunities for their future are seriously damaged”, he further explained.

Alongside local institutions, which work continuously with vulnerable girls and their families, by decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, the Inter-Institutional Working Group for reporting and preventing early marriages was established. The members of this group are continuing to draft a clear and ambitious action plan, for which they were congratulated by Prime Minister Kurti.

On the other hand, the prime minister mentioned the fact that, despite the fact that there are certain neighborhoods where every third girl marries young – as a child, this is not a problem to the same extent in every region of Kosovo.

“There are municipalities where the girls of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities have become examples of consistency in high schools and faculties, in activation in various cultural, social and public activities”, he added, expressing gratitude to female activists. of communities committed to combating the phenomenon of early marriages.

In the end, this meeting was considered an important step in the implementation of the plan created by the Inter-institutional Working Group and in the commitment of actors who are key to the protection of girls, the protection of all children.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Thank you Elizabeth,
Dear Ms. Albulena Haxhiu, Minister of Justice,
The honorable Mr. Nenad Rashiq, Minister for Communities and Return,
The honorable Mr. Erxhan Galush, deputy in the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo,
The honorable Mr. Sylejman Elshani, Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports,
Dear representatives of central and local institutions,
Dear members of the inter-institutional working group for the reporting and prevention of early marriages,
Dear international partners,
Ladies and gentleman,
Dear attendees,

Bringing together so many dedicated professionals for a common goal means that the goal can be achieved.

Our goal is common to the phenomenon of preventing early marriages. We have seen how harmful it is as a phenomenon – for young girls who get married and lose their opportunities in education; for their eventual children, and thus for entire families. It is a generally hidden phenomenon, but UNICEF figures with the Statistics Agency from 2020 show us that in the age group of 20 to 24 years, 31% of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian women and girls were married under the age of 18. . This means that hundreds of girls, every year, who have their rights and opportunities for their future are severely damaged.

We know that this is not a problem to the same extent in every region of Kosovo. There are municipalities where the girls of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities have become examples of attendance in high schools and faculties, in activation in various cultural, social and public activities. But there are also certain neighborhoods where every third girl marries young – as a child.

But of course even in these neighborhoods, I know that there are community activists who are committed to fighting this phenomenon. Also, there are municipal institutions that have managed to work effectively with vulnerable girls and their families, and are protecting the rights and psychological and physical safety of girls and boys. We have examples from which we can learn a lot.

This is the idea of creating the inter-institutional working group for the reporting and prevention of early marriages that we created by Government Decision six months ago. I congratulate the members of the group for the work they have done so far in drafting a clear and ambitious plan of action, but also for their dedication in implementing the plan to date.

I believe that this meeting represents an important step in the implementation of the plan, and in the commitment of actors who are key to the protection of girls, the protection of all children.

As you are informed, today is the commemorative meeting for the late Academician, painter, Rexhep Ferri, an outstanding writer and professor who passed away yesterday despite my plans to stay at today’s meeting until the end, I have to ask you sorry and go away.

However, I am glad that here among you will be my ministers, the deputy minister, who will continue to discuss and contribute together with you, while the Chairperson of the Working Group, my adviser Elizabeth, will inform me about the conclusions of the talks of today that will take place here, on how we can best cooperate for the benefit of girls and boys at risk of early marriage.

Once again, I express my gratitude for your commitment and contribution and I wish you fruitful discussions and good work.
Thank you!

Last modified: June 10, 2024

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