Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti met Australia’s new non-resident ambassador to Kosovo, Richard Rodgers

June 6, 2023

Prishtina, 6 June 2023

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, received today in a welcoming meeting the new non-resident Ambassador of Australia to Kosovo, Richard Rodgers.

At the beginning of the meeting, the prime minister expressed his gratitude, of the state and the people of Kosovo for the friendship, help and continuous support of Australia. He said that Kosovo will always be grateful for Australia’s contribution to the acceptance of 4,000 refugees in 1999 and for the continuous support in strengthening the international subjectivity of the Republic of Kosovo through membership in international organizations. Australia was the 8th country to recognize Kosovo’s independence, just one day after its announcement.

They also spoke about the bilateral relations between the countries and about the new opportunities for cooperation, as the Prime Minister informed about the progress in the rule of law, economic and democratic development in the last two years.

Ambassador Rodgers said that the two countries share a common desire for the rule of law and love for democracy and that he expects his work to be easier because of the same values we share.

Among other things, Prime Minister Kurti and Ambassador Rodgers also talked about the dangers that disinformation presents to our societies and democracy, as well as the necessity of dealing with it. They also discussed the relations between Kosovo and Serbia and the dialogue process mediated by the European Union, with emphasis on the Basic Agreement agreed on February 27 and its Annex on March 18. In this regard, Prime Minister Kurti said that it should be fully implemented, quickly and unconditionally.

Prime Minister Kurti congratulated Ambassador Rodgers on his new responsibility, wishing him success in fulfilling it and offering close cooperation to him and of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo.

Last modified: June 7, 2023

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