Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti meets with NDI’s Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe, Robert Benjamin

September 6, 2022


Prishtina, 6 September 2022

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, today met with NDI’s Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe, Robert Benjamin and the Director of this organization for Kosovo, Nancy Soderberg.

During the meeting, the discussions revolved around democracy, good governance and transparency. He stated that NDI can further help democratize political parties and support and strengthen the civil society. Democracy is related to the respect and promotion of human rights and that basic human rights should not be earned, as they belong to us by the very fact that we exist, emphasized Prime Minister Kurti. He added that there can be no democracy without pluralism and a strong civil society, and that the Republic of Kosovo is a regional example in this regard. Prime Minister Kurti also emphasized the need for quality data and analysis of data that should come from our institutes that help decision-making and invited NDI representatives for cooperation in this direction.

NDI’s Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe, Mr. Benjamin expressed his happiness regarding their presence in Kosovo and stressed that they want to increase their presence as well as increase the cooperation with the Office of the Prime Minister and other institutions for purposes of the promotion of good governance and democracy. He stressed that it is evident that there is a battle between democracy and autocracy, and emphasized the importance that the integrity of information and the fight against disinformation have in this case. Mr. Benjamin thanked Prime Minister Kurti for his support so far and for his participation in the Women’s Week.

Last modified: September 7, 2022

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