Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti: Kolonjë, an exceptional place for Albanian culture and history

October 6, 2022

Prishtina, 06 October 2022

We are gathered here full of longing but also pride, on the occasion of the dinner served by Mayor Isai, in Kolonjë, an exceptional place for Albanian culture and history, said the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, in his speech at the dinner organized under the auspices of the Mayor of Erseka, Erion Isai.

Undoubtedly, Kolonjë had the largest number of intellectuals of the Albanian National Renaissance, both per capita and per square kilometer, the Prime Minister emphasized.
In the Albanian history and culture, Kolonjë is not abundant only in Renaissance representation, but also has a rich antiquity, so as we raise a toast to Kolonjë here together, we also remember that our Renaissance representatives are the ones who brought back the antiquity of our people and also showed the importance of autochthonousness to tradition, Kurti added further.
The Prime Minister emphasized that Kolonjë is a treasure of our culture and history, with a welcoming heart.

Full speech of Prime Minister Kurti:

Honorable Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to Kosovo, Mr. Qemal Minxhozi,
Dear Government Ministers and Members of Parliament,
Honorable presidents of the political parties in Kosovo, Mr. Memli Krasniqi of the PDK and Mr. Ramush Haradinaj of the AAK, and Mr. Lutfi Haziri, Vice President of the LDK,
Honorable excellencies, ambassadors accredited in the Republic of Kosovo,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Sisters and brothers,
Honorable President Mr. Fatmir Sejdiu,
Friends and lovers of Albanian values and tradition,

We are gathered here full of longing but also pride, on the occasion of the dinner served by Mayor Isai, in Kolonjë, an exceptional place for Albanian culture and history.

Undoubtedly, Kolonjë had the largest number of intellectuals of the Albanian National Renaissance, both per capita and per square kilometer.

Here behind me is the saying of Fan Noli, but in addition to Fan Noli, Faik Konica, Jani Vreto, Petro Nini Luarasi, and Papa Kristo Negovan, who were mentioned, let me also mention Themistokl Germenji, Gani Butka, Sali Butka the Captain, then Spiro Ballkameni, Jorgo Ballkameni, Shahin Kolonja, Zallo Prodani, Zylyftar Bej Poda, and the Renaissance women Parashqevi and Sevasti Qiriazi, who were also originally from Kolonjë.

In the Albanian history and culture, Kolonjë is not abundant only in Renaissance representation, but also has a rich antiquity, so as we raise a toast to Kolonjë here together, we also remember that our Renaissance representatives are the ones who brought back the antiquity of our people and also showed the importance of autochthonousness to tradition, but Kolonjë is also famous in music, not only in history. Its people are famous for the culture they have brought to us, and here Kolonjë is undoubtedly the Kolonjë of popular saz, which stands out for its virtuosity and the interpretation of songs, among which the most well-known is the song popular one called “As e vogël, e as e madhe” [Neither little, nor big].

And Kolonjë, as a treasure of our culture and history, but also with its heart of hospitality, is exactly like that, neither little nor big, because it is very big.

Thank you very much Mayor Isai, businessman Buxhovi and all of you present, for honoring this wonderful evening.

Last modified: October 7, 2022

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