Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti hosted the KFOR commander, Özkan Ulutaș, in a meeting today

February 4, 2024

Prishtina, 3 February 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, hosted the KFOR commander, Major General Özkan Ulutaș, in a meeting to discuss the security situation in the country. The meeting also discussed the cooperation between the Republic of Kosovo and the NATO mission in Kosovo – KFOR.

Regarding the new regulation of the Central Bank, the prime minister said that the Central Bank of Kosovo is an independent and professional institution and that the Government cannot and should not influence its decision-making. In this direction, he emphasized the importance of preserving the constitutionality and legality of public institutions and their independent and unaffected functioning.

The Prime Minister also spoke about the importance of fighting money laundering and criminality and said that Kosovo has received the EURO as a currency from the European Union.

The government supports the implementation of legality and constitutionality throughout the country. In addition to legality and order, it also takes care of peace and security.

The well-being and safety of all citizens of Kosovo is a priority of the Government, therefore it will be ensured that the citizens are not negatively affected by the decisions of the institutions. In this regard, every complaint will be treated seriously and addressed quickly.

We thank KFOR for the contribution to a calm and safe environment in Kosovo

Last modified: February 5, 2024

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