Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti hosted the Bulgarian ambassadors Hristo Gudjev and Angel Angelov at the meeting

April 5, 2023

Prishtina, 5 April 2023

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, received the Ambassador of Bulgaria in Kosovo, Hristo Gudjev, and the Ambassador of Bulgaria in North Macedonia, Angel Angelov, in a meeting today.

He thanked the two ambassadors for their visit and for Bulgaria’s continued support to Kosovo. While he informed them about the work of the government, which last month completed two years since its formation, the results in the rule of law, the improvements in the democratic indicators, and about the economic progress, with an emphasis on exports, that this year for the first time is expected to exceed the value of 1 billion euros.

During the meeting, they talked about the close relations between Kosovo and Bulgaria and about the new opportunities for deepening and expanding them, especially in the field of economy, commercial exchange, that of culture as well as defense and security.

In addition to developments in the region, the dialogue process between Kosovo and Serbia, the Basic Agreement of February 27 in Brussels and the annex to its implementation, according to the agreement of March 18 in Ohrid, as well as yesterday’s meeting in Brussels at the level chief negotiators, under the mediation of the European Union were discussed.

Ambassadors Gudjev and Angelov expressed their willingness to increase the cooperation and interaction between Bulgaria and Kosovo and gave support to Kosovo on its Euro-Atlantic path

Last modified: April 6, 2023

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