Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti from the harvest in Malishevë: “Our bread, on our table, from our land”

July 10, 2024

Bubavec, Malishevë, 10 July 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, together with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, Faton Peci and Deputy Minister Imri Demelezi, saw up close the wheat harvest of farmer Asman Kryeziu, in Bubavec, Malisheva.

While appreciating the work of the farmer, through whom the wasteland with stones has already become a field with wheat, the Prime Minister emphasized that this is also in function of our program to make the bread of the season our own, that is, our bread, on our table, from our land.

Further, he emphasized that the budget for the Ministry of Agriculture is about 100 million euros, support which enables subsidies and facilities for our farmers.

“The budget for the Ministry of Agriculture is about 100 million euros, as we promised, and now on the one hand we subsidize oil, fertilizer, and yield with four cents, the latter per kilogram, and on the other hand we have reduced extremely many documents that our farmers need to apply for subsidies”, said Prime Minister Kurti.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Kurti said that with the increased production of 140,000 to 150,000 tons of wheat, we will cover and exceed the import we had of 139,000 tons of wheat last year, and reiterated the Government’s commitment to support farmers across Kosovo.

Complete pronunciation of Prime Minister Kurti:

We visited the successful and hardworking farmer Asman Kryeziu, together with the Minister Faton Peci and his deputy Imri Demelezi, whereupon we saw the harvesting and threshing of wheat in a place that used to be a wasteland from which 260 cubic meters of stone were previously extracted. As the farmer Asman Kryeziu said, the wasteland with stones has become a field with wheat and it is in function of our program that we have our bread for the season, that is, our bread, on our table, from our land.

The budget for the Ministry of Agriculture is about 100 million euros, as we promised, and now on the one hand we subsidize oil, fertilizer, and yield with four cents, the latter per kilogram, and on the other hand we have reduced extremely the documents that our farmer needs to apply for subsidies. There are even cases when from three weeks, the application has been shortened to only 30 minutes. We will continue with these good works, especially since this seems to be the year in which with the increased production of 140 thousand to 150 thousand tons of wheat, we will cover and exceed the import we had of 139 thousand tons of wheat in the last year.

I thank the Kryeziu family, Minister Faton Peci, MP Gani Krasniqi, Deputy Minister Imri Demelezi, and let’s stand together with farmers like Asman Kryeziu, not only here in Malisheva, but throughout Kosovo.

Last modified: July 10, 2024

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