Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti during the tributes in Qyshk: “This massacre was carried out in the name of Serbia, therefore Serbia must be held responsible”

May 14, 2024

Qyshk, Peja, 14 May, 2024

On the 25th anniversary of the massacre in Qyshk, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, paid tribute and placed flowers at the memorial plaque erected in honor of those killed by the armed forces of the armed forces of Serbia on the morning of May 14, 1999. .

“This massacre was committed in the name of Serbia, so Serbia must be held responsible. For these crimes, the deportation of Albanian civilians, the destruction of property, murders and thefts during violent displacement. Justice has taken very small and slow steps”, said Prime Minister Kurti.

Prime Minister Kurti said that Serbia’s goal in Kosovo was the extermination of the Albanians, but as he pointed out, we are in our land, more than 25 years ago, and much stronger than 25 years ago.

“We have survived as a people and we have remained strong. From the ashes of war we have risen with new life in freedom. Together, we are strengthening our Republic every day, working with dedication and love”, said Prime Minister Kurti.

He said that every May 14 we commemorate the martyrs of Qyshku and the surrounding villages. During the period March 25 – May 14, 1999, 44 people were killed in Qyshk. The youngest was 18 years old, and the oldest 91 years old.

In these tributes, Prime Minister Kurti was accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Emilja Rexhepi, the Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Rozeta Hajdari, the Minister of Local Government Administration, Elbert Krasniqi, the Deputy Minister of Education, Taulant Kelmendi, the Deputy Minister for Communities and Return, Mevlud Sinani, as well as members of the Assembly of Kosovo.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Dear mothers and family members of the nation’s martyrs,

Dear disabled and veterans of the Kosovo Liberation Army,
Dear Mrs. Emilia Rexhepi, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo,
Dear General Agim Çeku, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo,
Dear members of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo,
Dear Ministers and Deputy Ministers of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo,
Dear Mayor of Peja Municipality, Gazmend Muhaxheri,
Dear Mr. Rexhep Fazlija,
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Dear sisters and brothers,

Along the way here, the fields were full of poppies. Like in May 1999. Even after 25 years, hearts are full of pain and longing.

Every May 14, we commemorate the martyrs of Qyshku and the surrounding villages. During the period March 25 – May 14, 1999, 44 people were killed in Qyshk. The youngest was 18 years old, and the oldest 91 years old.

Today we remember over 120 Albanian civilians killed in Qyshk, Zahaq, Pavlan and Llabjan.

Those of you who have experienced the war here, have memories of the morning of May 14, when around 7:30, the armed forces of Serbia entered the village. There were about 100 armed members, masked and with faces painted black.

They forcibly expelled you from your homes, gathered you in the center of the village. They robbed them of their money and gold ornaments. They tore up and burned their personal identification documents. After separating them from their wives and children, the men sent them to three houses. Before shooting, one of the Serbian soldiers shouted: “In the name of Serbia!” Immediately other soldiers fired volleys of bullets at the men and boys. Then they set fire to the houses with the dead bodies inside.

This massacre was committed in the name of Serbia, so Serbia must be held responsible. For these crimes, the deportation of Albanian civilians, the destruction of property, murders and thefts during violent displacement. Justice has taken very small and very slow steps.

For some of these murders, in 2010 an indictment was filed in Belgrade against 11 members of the 177th Detachment of the Yugoslav Army’s Territorial Army, known as the “Jackals”. 116 witnesses testified. In the indictment it was said that the murders were carried out in a cruel and insidious manner, as in most cases the victims were shot in the back. Most of the bodies of the victims were burned, in order to hide the traces of the crime.

Just three weeks ago, on April 24 this year, seven former members of the Yugoslav Army were convicted of war crimes committed in this massacre. Predrag Vukoviq was sentenced to 13 years in prison, Abullah Sokiqi to 12, Sinisha Misiq to five, while Lazar Pavlloviq, Slavisha Kastratoviq and Boban Bogiçeviq were sentenced to two years in prison each. Only Toplica Miladinoviq was sentenced to the maximum sentence, and there the maximum is 20 years this means only 56 years in prison for 118 killed, as stated in the indictment. This is also a proof that the road to full justice still remains long.

All war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, with the perpetrators and those who ordered them, must be brought to justice. Kosovo cannot forgive nor forget the crimes committed by the state of Serbia during the war in Kosovo.

We may not know for many of the criminals whether they are alive or dead today, but what we do know is that they are gone. Those who wanted our extermination failed and escaped.
Serbia’s goal in Kosovo has been the extermination of the Albanians. They loved our land without us, but here we are in our land. More than 25 years ago, and much stronger than 25 years ago.

We have survived as a people and stayed strong. From the ashes of war we have risen with new life in freedom. Together, every day, we are strengthening our Republic, working with dedication and love. We are committed to the future, without forgetting the past, so that no other generation will experience even close to what we have lived and survived.
Able to protect its citizens and committed to creating equal opportunities for each and every one, the Republic of Kosovo, oriented towards NATO, and the European Union, together with Albania, is living the ideals of the fallen for freedom. We are continuing to increase the equipment, capabilities and budget for the Kosovo Security Force, our army and for law and order everywhere, for our Police.

We are standing together in pain and in hope and we are getting closer and closer. Work is already being done with high intensity in the framework of the expansion of the national road N9, in this very important infrastructural artery that connects the capital of the Republic with the western side of our country. After the Kijevë-Dollc segment, comes the Dollc-Zahaq segment, for which we have allocated 90 million euros.
Let’s move forward on the path of development and equality, without forgetting our past and the missing justice.

Dear sisters and brothers,

The fields of Qyshku are covered with blood poppies. With these flowers that are a symbol of remembrance, peace and endurance. As if nature also joins us in this commemoration, with the flowers that grow in the free land. Because those who fell for freedom are never forgotten. Their blood is not lost. The memory of them is eternal.

Glory to all the fallen, martyrs and martyrs, on the path of freedom!

Last modified: May 15, 2024

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