Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti commemorated the freedom martyr Elfete Humolli

February 1, 2023

Lupç i Poshtem, 1 February, 2023

On the 33rd anniversary of the death of the freedom martyr Elfete Humolli, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, together with the Vice-President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Saranda Bogujevci, paid tribute to the memorial complex in Lupç te Poštëm.

Prime Minister Kurti then visited the Humolli family, where he was received by mother Sevdije, the mother of two martyrs, Elfete and Mentor, who was martyred on March 21, 1999, during the fighting in Koshare.

They brought to mind February 1, 1990, when 33 years ago, demonstrating for the freedom of Kosovo in the village of Lupç i Poshtëm, Elfete Humolli, two weeks before her 17th birthday, fell a martyr of freedom, killed by the Serbian police. That day, she, together with thousands of Albanian demonstrators from the villages on this side of Llap, were calling for democracy, and in front of the Serbian government, they were demonstrating for political rights, for freedom and against oppression by the Serbian regime.
In the demonstration of February 1, 1990, the Serbian police fired at the demonstrators, hitting four of them: Elfete Humolli died of his wounds on the spot, while Eset Kaçiu, Ismet Krasniqi and Avni Retkoceri were injured.

Family members confessed that on that day, Elfetja was fasting and before her last breath, she had asked about her 13-year-old brother Mentor, if he had survived.

In the long road of the people of Kosovo to be freed from the occupying Serbia, coming from two different paths, freedom as a destination brought together sister and brother: Elfete, a demonstrator for liberation, and Mentor, a fighter of the KLA, who were martyred for freedom of Kosovo, said Prime Minister Kurti.

Last modified: February 1, 2023

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