Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti commemorated the 27 martyrs of Tusuz

May 26, 2024

Prizren, 26 May, 2024

Today’s morning, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, started with tributes in the city of Prizren, placing wreaths of flowers on the graves of those killed in the Tusuz massacre, in honor and commemoration of the martyrs and martyrs of Trimave Quarter.

Martyrs and martyrs of the nation are, on the one hand, evidence of our resistance, of the people’s resistance, of the patriotism to live in freedom and peace in our ancestral land, but on the other hand, they are also evidence of Serbia’s crimes, of crimes committed during the war, which includes war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, Prime Minister Kurti said.
Prime Minister Kurti commemorated the martyrs of the Trimave-Tusuz neighborhood, who were killed cruelly and mercilessly 25 years ago. “The 27 martyrs of Tusuz are today 27 flowers from which our freedom grows and our state rejoices,” he said.

“There is no generation of Albanians that has not been through at least one war. There are generations of Albanians that have been through two or three wars. But we must commit ourselves and work for the state, for the common home of the people and the society that to have it strong and for the post-war generation to be the first generation that will not experience war. For this we need a fair, democratic and developed state, with an army and a police force that protects us Prime Minister of the Republic, but also as one of you, as a citizen of independent Kosovo, I express my deepest gratitude and thanks for your endurance during these full 25 years,” said Prime Minister Kurti.

In these tributes, while commemorating the victims of the massacre, the Prime Minister said that the names of Behar Abdylmexhiti, who was only 17 years old at the time, as well as Fazile Maqkaj, who was burned alive in her wheelchair. Further, the prime minister, mentioning the burning of over 300 houses, and the pain of the killing of 27 civilians by the Serbian enemy forces, who today are martyrs of the nation, emphasized that justice is needed and not only the independence of the state.

While talking about this massacre, for which only two people are kept in prison and four others are being prosecuted, he added that the number of executioners and order givers is much greater than that. Therefore, on this occasion he called on the State Prosecutor’s Office to do everything with its power and knowledge, so that there is justice for our loved ones who have been missing for 25 years. “Because justice closes the bleeding wounds and brings lasting peace”, concluded the Prime Minister.

Together with Prime Minister Kurti, to honor the killed with tributes, there were deputies from the Assembly of Kosovo, Artan Abrashi and Arbër Rexhaj and members of the government cabinet, who were welcomed by the families of the martyrs.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Dear families of the martyrs of Tusuz, of Prizren,
Dear Imam,
Dear disabled and veterans of the Kosovo Liberation Army,
Members of the Assembly of the Republic, Artan Abrashi and Arbë Rexhaj,
Sisters and brothers,
Ladies and gentleman,

I am honored to be among you today, but at the same time I share with you the sorrow and pain, for your loved ones who were cruelly killed 25 years ago.

Martyrs and martyrs of the nation are, on the one hand, evidence of our resistance, of the people’s resistance, of the patriotism to live in freedom and peace in our ancestral land, but on the other hand, they are also evidence of Serbia’s crimes, of crimes committed during the war, which includes war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

The 27 martyrs of Tusuz are today 27 flowers from which our freedom grows and our country rejoices, first of all and above all for the generation that was born after the war and for which we take care for days so that they do not experience anything similar during their lives, as the rest of us did.

There is no generation of Albanians that has not gone through at least one war. There are generations of Albanians with two or three wars. But, we must commit and work for the state, for the common home of the people and society so that we have it strong and the post-war generation will be the first generation that will not experience war. For this we need a fair, democratic and developed state, with an army and a police force that protects us. Therefore, with this commitment as Prime Minister of the Republic, but also as one of you, as a citizen of independent Kosovo, I express my deepest gratitude and thanks for your endurance during these full 25 years.

In this tombstone here in Tusuz, we have Behar Abdylmexhiti, who was only 17 years old 25 years ago when he was killed, but we also have Fazile Maqkaj, who was burned alive in her wheelchair. Over 300 houses were burned, and 27 civilians were killed, who today are martyrs of the nation, and for whom justice is needed, not only the independence of the state. Institutional, local and international justice is also needed.

Two people are kept in prison for this massacre, four others are being pursued, but we know very well that the number of executioners and those who gave orders is much greater than that.

Therefore, we always call on the State Prosecutor’s Office to do everything in its power and knowledge, so that for the martyrs of our people, for the martyrs of the nation, for your loved ones and ours who have been missing us for 25 years to have justice, because justice closes the wounds that drain and brings lasting peace.

Glory to the martyrs of Tusuz and the entire Albanian nation and heartfelt gratitude to all of you who stay so strong and encourage us in our daily state affairs.

Thank you!


Last modified: May 27, 2024

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