Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti attends the screening of the documentary “Rikard” at Kino Armata

April 1, 2024

Prishtina, 1 April, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, took part in the screening of the documentary “Rikard” at Kino Armata, in Pristina, this documentary that revived the actor Rikard Llarja, one of the greatest Albanian actors.

“Every documentary conceived for the artist is doubly so. Document the creation of one with the creation that the other brings. Tonight we will see the documentary of the two greats. Friends of art and thought”, Prime Minister Kurti said at the beginning of his speech, in front of many artists and those present at Kino Armata.

Rikardi, according to the Prime Minister, gave cinema one of the most symbolic icons.

While talking about the great Albanian actor, he pointed out that when art does its work beyond codes and directives, a silent as well as fatal battle begins between the gift of art and the violence of propaganda, because a talent like Rikardi’s decides the excess of talent over the limitations of freedom.

“Let’s not forget the films like ‘Light Commissioner’ and ‘Silent Duel’. Because in these films, within the propaganda, the specific talent of the dramatic field shines or shines. Albanian art needed a voice and a portrait. Cinematic art also needed its emblematic figures. Rikard Ljarja, Ndrekë Luca, Dhimitër Furxhiu, Agim Qirjaqi, Jani Riza, Kadri Roshi, or even Mevlan Shanaj, today and here as a director, gave their characters to cinema,” said the prime minister.

In the midst of the propaganda, alternatively, he added, Rikardi gave the stage, whenever he had the opportunity, Mark Antony’s speech from Shakespeare.

In the end, Prime Minister Kurti said that there is no doubt that we would like to see this documentary here in Pristina together with Rikardi, to hear his voice ringing in the hall after the screen closed.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Your Excellency Mr. Petrit Malaj, Ambassador of the Republic of Albania in Kosovo,
Your Excellency Mrs. Shpresa Jusufi, Ambassador of North Macedonia to the Republic of Kosovo,
Dear Mr. Hajrullah Çeku, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports,
Honorable Mrs. Arbërie Nagavci, Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation,
Dear director of the documentary film Mr. Mevlan Shanaj,
Honorable Professor Kastriot Qaushi, Rector of the University of Arts from Tirana,
Dear attendees,
Artists and art lovers,
Ladies and gentleman,

I’m glad we’re here together tonight. For Richard. With all of you.
Every documentary conceived for the artist is doubly so. Document the creation of one with the creation that the other brings. Tonight we will see the documentary of the two greats. Friends of art and thought.

Mevlan Shanaj for Ricard.

Let’s have a good time tonight with the testimony about Rikard Ljarjen, about this actor with the talent of diction and the gift of portraiture.
Albanian cinema of the 60s gained a high neorealist dimension with Hysen Hakan’s film, ‘Conscience’. Minimal music, close-up, shadows among people and impressionism in nature. It is camera movement around a bodily elegance.

The cinema with Rikardi’s portrait acquired that shadow-light that Shkodra had cast with all its centuries-old majesty over Albanian society.

Let’s not forget the movies like ‘Light Commissioner’ and ‘Silent Duel’. Because in these films, within the propaganda, the specific talent of the dramatic field shines or shines. Albanian art needed a voice and a portrait. Cinematic art also needed its emblematic figures. Rikard Ljarja, Ndrekë Luca, Dhimitër Furxhiu, Agim Qirjaqi, Jani Riza, Kadri Roshi, or Mevlan Shanaj, today and here as a director, gave the characters to the cinema.

Ricardo gave cinema one of its most symbolic icons. It is that man chained to the stake who rises above the stark whiteness of the world. There is also that human silhouette that follows the calvary towards its cross with the long wire on its shoulder.

When art does its work beyond codes and directives, a battle begins, as silent as it is fatal, between the gift of art and the violence of propaganda.
Because a talent like Richard’s places the excess of talent above the limitations of freedom.

But even more than that. Between the propaganda, in an alternative way, Rikardi gave the stage, whenever he was given the opportunity, the speech of Mark Antony from Shakespeare.

It is not known why he repeated the lines about the plot and the murder persistently on the television stage. Perhaps, deep down he felt that an internal murder of art was working its own conspiracy. That’s why, when Rikardi returned to being a director, he mostly devoted himself to the problems of the society’s mentality and not to big political topics.

Cinema, in order to remain an art of imagination, vitally needs the images and expressions of Rikardi and the artists who already have our admiration.
There is no doubt that we would like to see this documentary here in Pristina together with Rikardi. We could hear his voice echoing in the hall after the screen was closed.

Everyone has this imagination in the form of desire. As only the great artist encourages him even more precisely when he is absent.

I am glad to be here tonight. Once again with Richard.

Last modified: April 2, 2024

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