Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti at the Qerkezi Family House Museum: Mother Ferdonije’s endurance keeps us all strong

August 30, 2022

Gjakova, 30 August 2022

On the International Day of Forcibly Disappeared Persons, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, together with the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, visited the Qerkezi Family House Museum. They were received there by Mrs Ferdonije Qerkezi, Mrs Nesrete Kumnova and the representatives of the organization “Thirrjet e Nanave”.

Prime Minister Kurti reiterated that the Government of the Republic of Kosovo remains committed to shedding light on the fate of those forcibly disappeared during the war, to put an end to the anxiety of waiting for the family members.
Uncle Halim, Artan, Armend, Ardian and Edmond are names that we all know and keep in our hearts. They are names of suffering and pain, of loss and sorrow, not only of Mother Ferdonije, but of the entire people and every citizen, Prime Minister Kurti said.
He said that the endurance of Mother Ferdonije keeps us all strong, encourages and inspires us.

During this visit, the protest of 18 years ago was also recalled, for shedding light on the fate of the missing, during which Prime Minister Kurti, at that time as a protester, was arrested together with the representatives of the organization “Thirrjet e Nënave”.

Thanking them for their endurance, the Prime Minister expressed his gratitude for the commitment of the mothers from Gjakova, who also protested for the release of prisoners from Serbian prisons and who continue their activism, for shedding light on the fate and truth about the forcibly disappeared persons during the war in Kosovo.

Last modified: August 30, 2022

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