Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Isa Mustafa: SAA, the beginning of comprehensive Europeanization of Kosovo

October 28, 2015

Pristina, 28 October 2015

Prime Minister of Republic of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, along with First Deputy Prime Minister , at the same time foreign minister, Hashim Thaçi and the Minister of European Integration, Bekim Çollaku, held today a press conference after returning from Strasbourg, where was signed the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between Kosovo and the European Union.
Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, on this occasion, congratulated citizens for signing the SAA between the Republic of Kosovo and the EU. “It is great honour for me, in the capacity of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, together with Minister of Integration, Mr Çollaku, have signed the SAA in Kosovo, together with the High Representative of the EU, also the vice president of the EC, Federica Mogherini and Enlargement Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, “said the prime minister.
Prime Minister Isa Mustafa also emphasized that the signing of the SAA on Tuesday in Strasbourg, is among the most important days for the state and the citizens of Kosovo, after the declaration of independence.
“This agreement is the result of hard work and commitment of the Government and all institutions of Kosovo. But the most meritorious for this achievement, are the citizens of Republic of Kosovo, who have demonstrated commitment and unreserved support for the European integration path, embracing and promoting European values. So this Agreement is in accordance with the will and political importance and the consensus that has characterized Kosovar society in terms of Euro-Atlantic integration processes, “said Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Isa Mustafa stressed that the SAA, in its entirety, has positive multidimensional, political, legal and economic effects for Kosovo.
“This Agreement formally establishes contractual relations between Kosovo and the European Union. It confirms the commitment and the will of Kosovo citizens to engage even more powerful motive in the EU integration path, opening without any dilemma, our country’s Euro-integration perspective. This agreement confirms what we have been saying for decades that the road of integration of Kosovo into Euro-Atlantic structures has no return and it is the only option for Kosovo citizens. In institutional and practical terms this agreement opens Kosovo the possibility of reform in all sectors. SAA will have a significant impact on strengthening democracy and all its components, including the rule of law, political stability, neighbourly and regional relations, and above all opens powerful economic perspective “, said Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Isa Mustafa stressed that the SAA for Kosovo, in essence, marks a strong start to the comprehensive Europeanization of Kosovo. “This process will be implemented based on the will of the citizens, the maximum commitment of the Kosovo institutions and the support of our strategic partners, the United States, Germany and other countries of the EU”, said Prime Minister Mustafa adding that the most important elements of this Agreement relate to the contractual relations, trade relations, financial assistance, with regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations. All these, as announced Prime Minister Mustafa, are contained in the Agreement, and in the coming days will be explained and clarified to the people where it will unfold benefits that Kosovo will have with this Agreement, on the its unstoppable road of EU integration.
First Deputy Prime Minister, at the same time Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaçi, congratulated all the citizens of Kosovo for this important , special and historical moment, has described it as an European achievement for Republic of Kosovo, congratulated the government cabinet, MPs, all the political scene, and all the friends and partners who have supported Kosovo.
Deputy Minister said that this is the first major agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Kosovo. “It is the first formal contract between the Republic of Kosovo and the European Union, but it is also the most important step, crucial, we can say, in the European Union relations with Kosovo. Today, Kosovo has reached the level, I can equal with other countries in the region, be that with Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, or Serbia, because we have entered into formal way of integration into the European Union and what is more important is that the European Union supports Kosovo uniquely, therefore, all countries that are part of the European Union, “said Thaçi. The signing of Agreement yesterday, according to Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, it is in the service of a secure European perspective of the Republic of Kosovo it is the best message that Kosovo is entering into the European family. “It is a merit of the institutions of Kosovo, of all those people that have worked for it. It is the merit of an institutional stability, it is the merit of our political message, it is the merit of all Kosovo citizens orientation for integration to the European family, at the same time it is a strong belief of the European Union in Kosovo, “said Thaçi, adding that Kosovo will also have political and economic benefits, and commercial and financial. But, as Thaçi stated, with these benefits comes responsibility to implement our further criteria in our next steps for the European perspective. “So today when Kosovo is on the verge of membership in UNESCO a new success was achieved. And this new success is the best message that we must all work, both at central and local levels, as institutions, to move even faster to the INTERPOL membership. Also, apply for membership in the Council of Europe. But, you know, our major objective for which we are all working as the government, local authorities, the Parliament, is the necessity and the right, for which we have implemented all the requirements and standards as Kosovo, the objective of visa liberalization “said Thaçi.
Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi also said that at the same time, Kosovo will continue, in the context of consolidation of the state, strengthening the international subjectivity of Kosovo, to join in other international organizations, and the maximum will be done in Kosovo for the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces.
Minister of European Integration, Bekim Çollaku, said that the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement is a great historical achievement. “This agreement has an extraordinary importance because it is signed at a delicate time, in a difficult moment. Given that Kosovo is not recognized by all European Union countries, we have managed to sign the Stabilization and Association Agreement, where Kosovo has entered into contractual relations with the EU. I think this is a great thing and nobody should even think to invalidate it. Us as a Government, as well as the Ministry of European Integration, since we started this mandate, have placed two main objectives before us: reaching this agreement and it happened yesterday, and the other objective is expected to happen very quickly, and be sure for this, and this is visa liberalization, “said Minister Bekim Çollaku.

Last modified: July 28, 2022

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