Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi during the day has met some chiefs of diplomatic offices in Pristine

February 4, 2008

Pristine, 4 February 2008

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi met chiefs of liaison offices of Scandinavian states. In the meeting there was Mrs. Ann Sofie Nilsson, chief of Liaison Office of Sweden and Mrs. Kristiina Haikio, chief of Liaison Office of Finland.

Prime Minister has thanked for the engagement of Scandinavian states in the support of development processes of Kosovo. Government of Kosovo is determined to continue the goof cooperation with all states that have supported the rebuilding of Kosovo and building the institutional and economical stability.

Chiefs of liaison offices of Scandinavian states have congratulated the Prime Minister for his selection in the post of Prime Minister of Kosovo and have expressed their readiness to continue the good cooperation with Government of Kosovo.

Today also, Prime Minister Thaçi had divided meetings with Mr.Gernot Pfandler, chief od Liaison Office of Austria and Mr.Wang Wengang, chief od Liaison Office of China in Pristine. In this case Prime Minister has accepted the congratulations for his selection as head of Government of Kosovo. 

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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