Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi chairs 50th regular meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo

December 2, 2011

Prishtina, 02.12.2011

Chaired by Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo held its regular meeting and approved decisions and legal acts that fall under its scope of constitutional and legal responsibilities. 

The Draft Law on Amending and Supplementing the Law on Agriculture and Rural Development got approved during the meeting. The amendments and supplements in the Law on Agriculture and Rural Development aim at addressing all the issues related to creation of a comprehensive and inclusive structure founded on the basic European Union requirements in terms of common agriculture policies. The Draft Law establishes the Agriculture Development Agency as the institution in charge of the agricultural development in Kosovo. 

The Government also approved the Regulation on the Selection and Placement Requirements of the Photograph of the President of the Republic of Kosovo. The Regulation has been drafted in line with the Law on Protocol of the State of the Republic of Kosovo and will be implemented by all the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo and their leaders. 

The regulation addresses the criteria related to the placement of the photograph of the president, the form of the photograph of the president, establishment of a commission that selects the photograph of the president, timeframes for the placement of the photograph, distribution procedures and responsibility to implement the regulation. 

The decision approving the list of the beneficiary media of grants got approved as recommended by the Commission for Supporting of Minority, Multiethnic and Other Special Group Media. The list of grant beneficiaries includes 15 outlets that are in the service of minority and other specific group members in Kosovo. 

Following a proposal by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the Government decided to expropriate property in the line No. 112, 110 in the Municipality of Lipjan and Graçanica which are affected by the construction of electricity posts and the establishment of other equipment for widening of the energy network.

In its meeting, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo approved a decision proposed by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning to further review expropriation of immovable land and interest holders affected in the cadastral zones of Obiliq, Vushtrri and Prishtina who will be affected by the construction of the Water Plant in the village of Shkabaj 

The Government Cabinet also approved a decision to allocate additional money for the Ministry of Public Administration and financial means for the Independent Media Commission in order to implement the decision of the Government to increase salaries of all civil servants by 30%.

The Cabinet also approved the decision to establish the Kosovo Financial Reporting Council. 

The Minister of Finance, Bedri Hamza briefed the Government Cabinet on the process of budget discussions and approval, while the Minister of Economic Development, Besim Beqaj, informed the Cabinet on the privatization process of the distribution of the electric energy. 

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxhaj, too, informed the Government Cabinet on the course of the United Nations Security Council session in which the report of the UN Secretary General on Kosovo was debated.  

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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