Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti received the emissaries of Germany and Slovenia for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin and Anžej Frangeš Pristina, November 9, 2022 To discuss the situation in the country, the relations between Kosovo and Serbia, the Berlin Process and other current issues, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, received in his office the German Emissary for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, accompanied by the German ambassador in Kosovo, Joern Rohde and the Special Envoy of Slovenia for the Western Balkans, Anžej Frangeš, accompanied by the Ambassador of Slovenia in Kosovo, Minca Benedejčič. In this meeting, Prime Minister Kurti was accompanied by the Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Sveçla, and the Ambassador of Kosovo to Germany, Faruk Ajeti. Prime Minister Kurti said that the government’s decision and actions are in the service of the rule of law and take into account the concerns of international partners for security and peace. Meanwhile, regarding the boycott of institutions by the Serbian List, he said that it is instigated and orchestrated by Belgrade, which has continued the destructive approach in relations with Kosovo, and that it is an attempt to cover up the unwillingness to discuss the elements of the framework agreement that leads to full normalization of reports. On the other hand, the Republic of Kosovo has proven its readiness and constructiveness in this process, added the Prime Minister Kurti. He informed the emissaries about the gradual implementation of the government’s decision on illegal license plates, stressing that until this morning, 1012 notices have been issued for drivers with illegal license plates and that despite this, no incidents have been recorded; for the work of institutions for the smooth running of services for all citizens; and about the threats and attacks that individuals and criminal gangs are making to our citizens in the municipalities in the north of the country. At the end, the Prime Minister said that the Government of the Republic of Kosovo is a democratic and responsible government, committed to legality and constitutionality, respect for human and minority rights and freedoms, equality, service to citizens, peace and security.

November 9, 2022

Priština, 09.11.2022

U cilju diskusije o situaciji u zemlji, odnosima Kosova i Srbije, Berlinskom procesu i drugim aktuelnim pitanjima, premijer Republike Kosovo Aljbin Kurti primio je u njegovoj kancelariji nemačkog emisara za zapadni Balkan Manuela Sarazina, u pratnji nemačkog ambasadora na Kosovu Joerna Rohdea i specijalnog izaslanika Slovenije za zapadni Balkan Anžeja Frangeša, u pratnji ambasadorke Slovenije na Kosovu Mince Benedejčič. Na ovom sastanku, pored premijera Kurtija bilu su ministar unutrašnjih poslova Dželal Sveča i ambasador Kosova u Nemačkoj Faruk Ajeti.

Premijer Kurti je rekao da su vladine odluke i akcije u službi vladavine prava i da uzimaju u obzir zabrinutost međunarodnih partnera za bezbednost i mir, a kada je u pitanju bojkot institucija od strane Srpske liste, on je rekao da ga podstiče i orkestrira Beograd, koji je nastavio destruktivni pristup u odnosima sa Kosovom i da je to pokušaj da se prikrije nespremnost da se razgovara o elementima okvirnog sporazuma koji vodi ka potpunoj normalizaciji odnosa . S druge strane, Republika Kosovo je dokazala svoju spremnost i konstruktivnost u ovom procesu, dodao je premijer Kurti.

On je informisao emisare o postepenom sprovođenju Vladine odluke o nelegalnim tablicama, ističući da je do jutros izdato 1012 opomena za vozače sa nelegalnim tablicama i da uprkos tome nije zabeležen nijedan incident; o radu institucija za nesmetano pruđanje usluga za sve građane; i o pretnjama i napadima koje pojedinci i kriminalne grupe upućuju našim građanima u opštinama na severu zemlje.

Na kraju, premijer je rekao da je Vlada Republike Kosovo demokratska i odgovorna vlada, posvećena zakonitosti i ustavnosti, poštovanju ljudskih i manjinskih prava i sloboda, ravnopravnosti , služenju građanima, miru i bezbednosti.

Last modified: November 10, 2022

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