Zyra e Kryeministrit

Official visit to Prague, Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi meets Deputy Minister for European Affairs, Mr Tomáš Pojar

September 7, 2022

Prague, 7 September 2022

As part of the official visit to Prague, the first Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue of the Republic of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, was received in a meeting by the Deputy Minister for European Affairs, at the same time Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic for Foreign Policy and Security, Tomáš Pojar.

In this meeting, the European future, challenges and issues of common interest were discussed. The energy crisis and finding alternative methods of coping with it was addressed. Further, the emphasis was placed on the ambitious agenda of the Republic of Kosovo in European integration. The need for visa liberalization and the goal of applying for EU membership within this year were emphasized. Kosovo’s application for membership in the Council of Europe was also mentioned.

Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi stated that Kosovo is a country with a vibrant society and democracy, with great potential. “Democracy brings values and this has been translated into development and concrete results,” Mr Bislimi said. Economic development and the fight against organized crime and corruption have brought positive effects such as double-digit economic growth (10.53%), an increase in exports of 83%, an increase in foreign direct investment by 22%, an increase in budget revenues and the annual turnover of businesses for 1/3 and the creation of 25,000 jobs, among many others things.

These achievements have directed Kosovo towards a new trajectory of development, reflected in the growth of 17 positions in the index of Transparency International for the perception of corruption, as well as 17 places in the index of freedom of the media, World Freedom. Meanwhile, according to the World Justice Project, for the evaluation of the rule of law, Kosovo is the 60th in the world and the first among the six countries of the Western Balkans.

Regarding the issue of dialogue, it was emphasized that we have proven to be constructive parties and remain committed to the general framework of the legally binding agreement, which brings full normalization of relations and is centred on mutual recognition.
The meeting also discussed the possibilities of deepening cooperation between our two countries in fields and sectors of common interest. Mr Bislimi thanked Mr Pojar for the hospitality and fruitful conversation. In this meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi was accompanied by the Ambassador of Kosovo to the Czech Republic, Albesjana Iberhysaj.

Last modified: September 8, 2022

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