Zyra e Kryeministrit

Message of Prime Minister of Republic of Kosova Mr Hashim Thaçi on 9th anniversary of start of NATO bombardment

March 24, 2008

Prishtina, 24 March 2008
The just war of the people of Kosova led by the Kosova Liberation Army made the strongest military alliance in the world support the protection of the dearest Western civilization values in Kosova; freedom, peace and democracy.
Marking the ninth anniversary of the launch of NATO bombing over Serbian military and police targets, we express our strongest feelings of respect for the NATO military alliance and for the international community that stood up for protection of Kosova in its toughest and most critical days.
The democratic world and its strongest alliance, NATO, gave a historical contribution to the liberation of Kosova, making 24 March 1999 a cornerstone marking the launch of a new epoch for Kosova. The people of Kosova are eternally grateful to NATO and all the states that supported our just war.

Now, nine years later, Kosova is free and has built up its democratic, independent and internationally recognized state, which is strongly dedicated to protection of minority rights, with an overall objective to integrate in the European Union and NATO. The democratic state of Kosova will always be a factor of peace and stability in the region.
Today, while we are about to conclude the chapter of building the independent and sovereign state of Kosova, we remember and express our deepest respects for the sublime sacrifice of the KLA fighters, our martyrs, who gave their lives in order for new generations to live in a free, democratic and independent Kosova.
On these days of remembrance for NATO intervention over Serbian targets, we express our eternal gratitude to the United States of America, the European Union and all the other countries that supported the liberation and independence of Kosova and that are today supporting strengthening of democratic institutions of our country.
We express particular appreciation to the world leaders and dignitaries that supported the just war of our people for liberation and democracy; former President Clinton, former Prime Minister Blair, former Secretary of State Albright, Mr. Solana and other Western personalities.
Even at this stage, Kosova welcomes the military presence of NATO and the overall support from the democratic countries.
On this historical anniversary for our country, we express our special thanks for NATO forces in Kosova; KFOR, that is guaranteeing freedom, stability and peace in Kosova. 

Hashim Thaçi,
Prime Minister of Republic of Kosova 

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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