Zyra e Kryeministrit

Memorial Academy dedicated to the Legendary Commander Adem Jashari and the Jashari family was held

March 6, 2016

Pristina, 6 March 2016

On the occasion of marking the 18th anniversary of the Epopee of the Kosovo Liberation Army in Pristina was held a Memorial Academy dedicated to the Legendary Commander Adem Jashari, the Jashari family and all the heroes and martyrs fallen for FREEDOM.
In front of the many participants, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, Minister of KSF, Haki Demolli recalled a war and heroism of the Legendary Commander Adem Jashari and the Jashari family.
The participants in the Academy on behalf of the family welcomed son of the Legendary Commander Adem Jashari, Lulzim Jashari.

Speech of the Minister of KSF, Haki Demolli at the Memorial Academy

Honourable and highly respected the Jashari family,
Honourable Rifat Jashari,
Honourable KLA veterans and families of Martyrs,
Honourable President of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Kadri Veseli,
Honourable Commander of KSF, General Rama,
Honourable party leaders, ministers, members of parliament, representatives of local and central government institutions,
Honourable officers of the KSF,
Honourable ambassadors, diplomatic representatives of friendly countries of Kosovo,
Honourable citizens of Kosovo present at the Memorial Academy.

Allow me at the beginning of this speech, to emphasize the opinion of a citizen anonymous, (cited) “In the human history there is no individual, person or hero who has sacrificed so much for the Homeland” (cited ended) which was published two days ago, as a comment in one of our portal regarding the article titled “Rare picture of the Commander Adem Jashari”.
This was the opinion of a citizen of Kosovo about the commitment of our Legendary Commander to do and sacrifice for the Fatherland, which opinion I am sure that agrees not only any our compatriot, but every human being, researchers and scholars of history whether a national or international.

Dear present,
Dear Jashari family,

During March this year, under the auspices of the Government of Kosovo, led by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, in memory of the glorious Epopee of KLA are holding events and activities, military, sports, cultural and Memorial Academy, where treated academic, intellectual and scientific value and importance of the glorious Epic of March, in liberation and the building of an independent state of Kosovo.
Beginning of March 1998, it is recognized as one of the heaviest periods for Kosovar Albanians, because that was the period of the harsh invasion from military forces and police forces, which due to the heroism and sacrifice of the legendary commander Adem Jashari and his comrades became the most glorious period in the history of our people.
The work of the Legendary Commander Adem Jashari made this period more glorious, who assesed that the freedom of the country is more expensive than his life, the life of his family and his loved ones, therefore along with co-activists had intensified military actions against the occupiers and began appearing publicly as members of the KLA, letting know the people, that henceforth there would be military which finally redeem from the occupation for centuries.
Te mythical resistance and fallen of the Jashari family led by legendary commander Adem Jashari, spred the fire freedom throughout Kosovo, showing that this was the beginning of the end of Serbian governance in Kosovo.
In March 1998, legendary Prekazi experienced war and heroic resistance of the Jashari family. Prekazi experienced unprecedented sacrifice and sacrifice for the freedom of the nation and homeland, which neither our national history nor the world history did not see or heard before.
Epopee of March 1998, served as a catalyst for the host of the Legendary Commander, which meteorite speed, increased and organized in military formations, freeing and keeping in control the entire areas in the whole country.
Numerous successes on the battlefield, the legendary commander of the Army and other military formations in Kosovo contributed to the involvement of international diplomacy, which impartially judge the crime and genocide of the Serbian military and police forces.
As diplomatic outcome of combat successes was the Rambouillet Conference, in where was decided to bomb the most vital and strategic targets in Serbia by the allied forces of NATO.
Struggle of our military forces and aerial bombardment of NATO, gave the Serbian occupation the last coup, bringing the long-awaited freedom to our people.

Therefore, the state and the nation will be eternally grateful to all the fallen heroes, for all those who sacrificed their blood and toil for independence and freedom which is enjoyed by our people.
Indeed in February 2008 the Republic of Kosovo proclaimed an independent and sovereign state, which apart of numerous international recognitions, was dedicated in establishing the institutions of statebuilding character.
Undoubtedly one of the fundamental institutions of the Republic of Kosovo established after the declaration of independence is the Security Force of Kosovo, which not only created in the wake of patriotic inspiration, history and glory sacrifice of our people, but as such it represents a guarantee that the future will be transformed into Kosovo Armed Force, with full operational capacity to meeting its constitutional mission.
18th Anniversary of the Epopee of KLA, has found our country with disagreements and disputes pronounced between our political parties opposition and the government, therefore, from this place at this holy anniversary event of our people, require from all political actors, to leave aside the partial political interest groups or own  parties and take into account only the general interest of the people and state of Kosovo, as it was the Legendary Commander and his fellow activists and engage in finding the solution on the serious political situation, through which a few months now our country is facing. Because the flows and political developments in Kosovo, with a view of violence and irrational use of tools in our Parliament, directly contributed to the delay of important processes of building and consolidation of statehood bodies, respectively the vital state authorities. When I say this I mean the fact that although the Government Mustafa among the main priorities is the transformation of KSF into Armed Force of Kosovo and has had the support of our main strategic partner, the US, it did not happen during the year last year, due to the abnormal political developments in the second half of 2015.
Therefore, is to be hoped and desired that this year, will dominate the general interest of the state and the interests of the people of Kosovo will be achieved a resolution of this unsatisfactory political situation, after which will create the conditions and circumstances in which the Assembly of Kosovo and the Government will take all legal and constitutional actions for transformation of KSF in Kosovo Armed Force (CAF).
Epilogue of this transformation will be the creation of the Armed Forces of Kosovo, which besides protecting the sovereignty and integrity of our country, other major target will also have membership in NATO, as well as willingness to participate in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions in different countries of the region and the world.
Government of Kosovo, through the creation of the Armed Forces will raise the level of security in the country to such a degree that all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo will feel safe and equal, regardless of ethnicity, religion and race or political beliefs, as befits a modern democratic state.
Fulfilment and realization of these objectives of the Armed Forces, represents the fulfilment of a desire of the people of Kosovo and completing the testament of the legendary commander Adem Jashari and historic President Ibrahim Rugova.
The Government of Kosovo will work and engage in the construction of the state where the law rules, with economic prosperity, respect for democracy, human rights, and freedoms of all its citizens.
So, we will work to build the country that would meet the criteria and standards for membership in the North Atlantic Alliance, NATO and other Euro-Atlantic integrations, where will cooperate with the US and other allies who supported the liberation and the building of our state.
It should be said in the end, that building of such state of Kosovo as a free, independent and democratic state represents the best realization of the dream of the legendary Commander, all the martyrs, invalids, veterans and freedom fighters.
Glory to The legendary commander Adem Jashari,
Glory to the great and sacred Jashari Family,
Glory to all heroes and liberators of the nation,
Thank you.


Last modified: July 31, 2022

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