Zyra e Kryeministrit

Memorandum signed with EBRD for support of 400 million euros for projects in Kosovo until 2027

February 26, 2024

London, February 26, 2024

Today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Odile Renaud-Basso, signed a memorandum of understanding worth 400 million euros to support the implementation of projects for the development of priority sectors, such as: infrastructure, environment, private sector and regional integration.

This agreement proves the partnership between Kosovo and the EBRD, since the projected value of 400 million euros exceeds the total value of grants and sovereign loans in the last 11 years, since Kosovo became a member state of this institution.

In the meeting, Prime Minister Kurti emphasized: “As a government, we are committed to closing the infrastructural gap in the country and promoting economic development. The memorandum reached today shows our commitment to increasing investments in various sectors, including transport, environment and energy, which will lead to the rapid growth of the economy and the improvement of the quality of life for our citizens”.

On the other hand, the President of the EBRD, Odile Renaud-Basso, stated that: “We intend to support the needs of Kosovo in both sectors, public and private, at every step of the way. We have ambitious goals in many areas that can be met through a strong and successful partnership with the government. This agreement underlines our intention to achieve key strategic objectives in Kosovo”.

At the end of this meeting, which was also attended by the Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Hekuran Murati, all parties agreed to deepen cooperation in the implementation of these projects.

Last modified: February 27, 2024

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