Zyra e Kryeministrit

Kosovo Government PM Hashim Thaçi welcomed the Great Britain Ambassador in Prishtina, Mr. Andy Spark

April 28, 2008

Prishtina, 28 April 2008
Kosovo Government PM Hashim Thaçi has received today and wished welcome to the new British Ambassador in Kosova, Mr. Andy Spark, wishing him success and offering close cooperation with the Government of Kosovo.
PM Thaçi thanked Great Britain on this occasion as well as all of the international partners who contributed towards the establishment of the independent, sovereign and democratic state of Kosova, and he emphasized that Kosova is a country of stability, opportunities, progress, with a clear vision in its way to integrate in NATO and the European Union.
PM Thaçi then stressed that Kosova has always had great cooperation with Great Britain, and that it will invest so that these relations be even more advanced in the future.
The meeting discussed abort the possibility to lobby even more with the aim of attracting British investors to Kosova, who would contribute towards economic development, modernization of Kosovo and creation of new work places.
“In this respect, Kosova currently offers very good possibilities, there is a stable government, rule of law and clear determination to fight corruption and other negative phenomena,” said PM Thaçi.
The UK Ambassador Andy Spark expressed his pleasure for his presence in Kosovo in this very important period which it is going through.
“We are here to provide the British support for everyone in Kosovo, the Albanians, Serbs, Romas and other,” said Ambassador Spark and congratulated the Kosova Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi for the proclamation of independence of Kosova.

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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