Zyra e Kryeministrit

Kosova will make quick progress towards Euro-Atlantic integrations, Prime Minister Thaçi emphasizes

March 29, 2008

Prishtina, 29 March 2008

In the meetings I had with the EU Foreign Ministers I reconfirmed one more time the commitment of the Government of Kosova to building a democratic order, a multiethnic state with equal rights for the minorities, including even affirmative action, in order to encourage their integration in the Kosova institutions and the Kosovar society – stressed Prime Minister Thaçi in an interview given to the Kosova Public Television from Brdo, Slovenia.

Answering a question by RTK special correspondent on Kosova’s European perspective, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova, Mr. Hashim Thaçi, said:

The welcome and the recognition by the EU countries is impressive. They all acknowledge the progress made in Kosova, with the declaration of independence, managing of the situation and the joint progress achieved with the internationals.

Kosova is de facto part of Europe and is in the process of successfully implementing democratic criteria to integrate in NATO and EU structures. It was a joint assessment that the independence of Kosova has promoted peace, stability and regional cooperation and has also brought a new European spirit for Kosova and the region.

I reconfirmed again the commitment of the Government of Kosova to build democratic order, a multiethnic state, with equal rights for minorities and even affirmative action to encourage them to integrate in the Kosova institutions and the society. Also, I pointed out the inviolability of the territorial integrity of Kosova, as an internationally recognized territory.

There was full support expressed for Kosova and at the same time I thanked all the European Union member states and other states that have recognized the independence of Kosova. I also called on the few remaining states to recognize Kosova and there was good understanding about this.

I highlighted the determination of Kosova to contribute to peace and stability.

It was a joint conclusion that the independence of Kosova has brought progress and has opened a perspective to the region and the country for economic development and for a better Euro-Atlantic integration.

RTK: Mr. Thaçi: During the press conference, Mr. Rupel supported your speech and said that Mr. Thaçi was presented as Prime Minister of a multiethnic state.

Prime Minister Thaçi: I stressed that Kosova is building excellent relations with all the countries in the region: with Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and at the same time we expect to build good and democratic relations in the future also with the authorities in Serbia.

However, on this occasion, I expressed our concerns in terms of direct inciting of violence by Belgrade in the northern part of Mitrovica and the necessity to get rid of the politics belonging to the last century, and the need to have European authorities influence Belgrade so that it definitely comes to terms with and recognizes the new reality of Kosova as an independent, sovereign and democratic state.

RTK: During the day you had many meetings; with Mr. Solana and other EU foreign ministers, how was the vision of the Kosova Government for European perspective received?

Prime Minister Thaçi: I want to say that Kosova is getting the best respect possible. In all the meetings I have had, also with Mr. Solana and Mr. Olli Rehn, but also the meeting with British Foreign Minister Mr. Miliband, the German Foreign Minister Steinmeier, French Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner and also other diplomats, I can say that there is an extensive support, unheard of before for any other country to be recognized so soon after declaring independence, and I think that this trend of recognitions and the huge support by these major countries will have positive impacts on the entire region.

With these quick recognitions, Kosova will soon become part of all the international mechanisms, member of UN, member of International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, NATO and the European Union.

RTK: The meetings you had show that you got unreserved support from the EU and that the program of your Government is strictly based on the objectives to move ahead toward European Union structures?

Prime Minister Thaçi:
Today for the first time, I discussed with the European authorities, Mr. Javier Solana, Mr. Olli Rehn and other EU foreign ministers about the time when Kosova can become part of NATO and the EU.

This understanding, the opening of discussion on Kosova’s integration in Euro-Atlantic structures is taking place only a few days after the declaration of independence and its recognition by the European community and the democratic world, therefore the future of Kosova too will be the future of a developed country, that will soon integrate in the European Union and NATO structures. Kosova will move ahead with great strides in this path.

Journalist: Nuhi Bytyçi

Last modified: July 28, 2022

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