Prishtina, 1 September 2011
Chaired by Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo held its regular 35th meeting, in which it approved three draft laws, and four working regulations which regulate the operation of governmental areas and made other decisions based on its constitutional and legal responsibilities.
The Government approved a draft law regarding the award of decorations by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, which regulates this mandate and responsibilities of the President and all those honored with decorations and awards by the institution of the President of the Republic of Kosovo. This area until now has been regulated with a by-law while this Draft law will standardize this area of activity of the President of the Republic.
The government cabinet approved a Draft Law on the System of Addresses which will regulate the functioning of official addresses of physical and legal persons in the Republic of Kosovo.
The Draft Law on the Historic Center of Kosovo again was given a green light by the Kosovo Government and was sent for approval to the Kosovo Parliament. This draft law regulates the protection of the historic and cultural values of Prizren at the local, national and international level.
Four regulations relating to food, animal welfare, hygiene in food production and hygiene in food originating from animals and specific regulations for the control of food of animal origin destined for humans were approved today by the government cabinet. These regulations will be implemented by the Veterinary and Food Agency of Kosovo.
The Government approved a decision to approve the Register of bylaws in force, approved by the Government and ministries, which regulate various fields of activity and responsibilities of the Kosovo institutions. In addition, the Kosovo Government approved a decision on the price of allocating a frequency band for the operator of the Kosovo Post and Telecoms.
The government cabinet analyzed and approved the National Strategy and Working Plan against Human Trafficking.
Last modified: July 31, 2022