Prishtina, 18 February 2008
The Government of the Republic of Kosova today held its first meeting after the declaration of the Independence of the country, also the eighth meeting of the newly formed government cabinet. The meeting was chaired by Primeminister Thaci, who informed the ministers that he and President Sejdiu sent out letters for recognition of independence to all world nations, adding that he is optimistic that within a few hours many nations will recognise the new state of Kosova.
Primeminister Thaci underlined that the people and the institutions of Kosova are eternally grateful to the USA, the EU and NATO, and that now we are equal partners and that we will have an international advising presence which will provide support for the new process in the new Kosova, adding that today is the day that policy changes take place in the relation Republic of Kosova – international institutions.
The members of the Republic of Kosova cabinet regarded the declaration of the will of the people of Kosova and the celebration that followed as a very positive process, and thanked the citizens for a dignified celebration and for their understanding for the moment of independence of Kosova, stating that this was a very good message to the world.
The cabinet, in the first meeting after the declaration of the Independence of Kosova, approved the decision on naming and logos on official documents of the Kosova institutions and inscriptions used by all national institutions, in compliance with the new political order of the Republic of Kosova.
The Government of the Republic of Kosova passed ten draft laws under the Ahtisaari plan, which cover areas that relate directly with the functioning of the statehood of Kosova, such as the draft-law on Foreign Affairs Ministry, draft-law on Diplomatic Immunities, draft-law on Statehood, draft-law on Police, draft-law on Police Inspectorate, draft-law on Travel Documents the cost of which is estimated 10.4 mil EUR, draft-law on State Symbols, draft-law on Special Protected Zones, draft-law on Local governance, and the draft-law on Municipal Administrative Borders. These ten draft-laws endorsed, are crucial and are directly linked to the statehood of Kosova, mad will be submitted to the Assembly of Kosova for further proceedings. The endorsement of these draft-laws was based on a special procedure to ensure speedy promulgation of laws as set out in the Ahtisaari plan approved by the Assembly of Kosova on 15 February 2008, and based on the provision in the special procedure on legislation from the Comprehensive Proposal on Determination of the Status and related Legislation concerning the Kosova status, approved by the Government on 12 December 2007 (Decision No. 06/282). Full approval for the approval of said laws was also given by the International Civil Office in Prishtina.
The cabinet also approved a request from teachers, who requested to spend the first sessions in schools talking about the independence of Kosova.
Last modified: July 31, 2022