Zyra e Kryeministrit

European Policy Summit Address by Hashim Thaçi, Prime Minister of Kosova

June 24, 2008

Brussels, 24 June 2008

Thank you Mr. Merritt,

It is indeed an honour to speak before this respected forum. For more than two decades now, the political and economic fate of the Balkans has been closely tied to the efforts of the European Union to stabilize the region and put it on the road to peace, reforms and economic development. Billions of Euros in reconstruction aid and thousands of soldiers, police officers and experts are a testimony to the EU’s commitment to the region. Now with the horrible conflicts behind us, it is time for the Balkan region to move closer to the European Union in a political and economic framework. It takes great political courage and wisdom to make the necessary steps to bring about reforms which are sometimes painful and unpopular. But there is no alternative but make the journey towards Europe.

The violent break up of the former Yugoslavia resulted in the creation of seven independent states the last of which being Kosovo. The independence of Kosovo has brought clarity to the region by removing the last obstacle on the road to cooperation, integration and reconciliation. An independent and democratic Kosovo will be a factor of stability and peace in the region.

The declaration of independence of Kosovo did not trigger any violence as some predicted. On the contrary, the situation remained calm and no interethnic incidents took place. The institutions of Kosovo embraced the Ahtisaari plan, both the letter and spirit, and enacted a new modern constitution which entered into force one week ago. The Ahtisaari plan is the best for Kosovo’s communities. Some of its provisions for the protection of the Serb community, their culture and religious heritage in Kosovo are unprecedented. The multiethnic Government of Kosovo, which I lead, is determined to implement the Ahtisaari provisions in full as well as to move Kosovo towards a prosperous European future.  Kosovo has received broad international support. In its first hundred days of independence, forty three countries recognized Kosovo of which the majority of EU and NATO member states and seven of G8 countries. More are forthcoming. Our immediate priority is to become member of international financial institutions and develop our economy. In due course we expect to secure the membership of international organizations. A stable and secure Kosovo is in everyone’s interest. Our laws are modern and harmonized with the EU law. We welcome investors from Europe. Only this way can we achieve the kind of economic prosperity that our communities deserve.

The decision by the UN Secretary General to reconfigure the UN Mission in Kosovo and to adapt to the new reality is a welcome move. We will cooperate with the new UN Special Representative to put into practice the reconfiguration plan which will enable us all to move to the new phase. We have invited and welcome an International Civilian Representative and an EU mission (EULEX) to help us strengthen the rule of law. My government has adopted a zero tolerance against interethnic violence, organized crime and corruption. EU’s assistance in this will be crucial.

By accepting in full the Ahtisaari we accorded Belgrade a legitimate role to play in assisting the Kosovo Serbs but through a transparent way for the Government of Kosovo. Unfortunately, Belgrade has chosen to undermine our efforts and those of the international community to bring about reconciliation among the communities. We remain hopeful that a new government in Belgrade will move Serbia towards Europe. The closer Serbia is to the European Union the closer the Kosovo Serbs will be to Prishtina. We support EU’s engagement with Serbia and encourage its European perspective.

Those elements, which are determined to fan the flames of fear and mistrust should know that they and their communities have nothing to gain from it. Fear and distrust are not a good basis on which to build a multiethnic country. Easing these fears and building new trust will take time though. But I am determined to turn this around. And I believe this vital task – that of building a viable multi-ethnic society – is only achievable in an independent Kosovo.

Because only an independent Kosovo will give its citizens the confidence to put the past behind them. Only in this way can we build bridges of understanding to the Serb community and make them part of our common life.

Minority rights are already enshrined in our laws; they are an integral part of all our institutions, a cornerstone of our constitution. This will not change, but that alone is not enough. We have to break down the barriers between us on a personal basis.

This will not be easy and it will take years to reach deep into people’s hearts. I on my part stand ready to do whatever I can to make it a reality and move Kosovo towards Europe. We need every support from the European Union we can get.

Thank you.

Last modified: July 28, 2022

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