Zyra e Kryeministrit

Employment support for people with disabilities begins

August 11, 2022

Prishtina, 11 August 2022

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti and the Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Hekuran Murati, held a meeting today with the representatives of non-governmental organizations, where, among other things, cooperation agreements were signed for the implementation of measure 1.6 – Support of People with Disabilities of the Economic Recovery Package between the Government and NGOs.

In this meeting, Prime Minister Kurti expressed the Government’s commitment to creating an environment where no one feels excluded and everyone has equal opportunities in employment and more. Among other things, Prime Minister Kurti showed that this measure, in addition to aiming at learning the skills of people with disabilities, also guarantees their sustainable employment.

“This measure, which we have designed together, aims to achieve two objectives: first, the learning of skills by people with disabilities and second, their sustainable employment. Learning skills is intended to result in employment. In order to promote and enable guaranteed and stable employment, we promise to subsidize the worker’s salary up to 270 euros per month, for 6 months in a row, to businesses that sign a regular employment contract with people who have attended the training. So 270 euros for six months in a row, which is more than the gross level of the minimum wage, which we have already passed in the first reading in the Assembly of the Republic”, said Prime Minister Kurti.

Minister Murati said that although the measures of the package are intended to create prosperity for everyone, they are often targeted. He also emphasized that measure 1.6 has a special implementation mechanism where organizations have an essential role in monitoring by identifying challenges and achievements along the continuity of the measure.

Prime Minister Kurti, Minister Murati and representatives from non-governmental organizations agreed that this measure should be treated as a pilot in order to learn the necessary lessons with the aim of turning it into a long-term measure.

At the end of the meeting, representatives of non-governmental organizations expressed their willingness to cooperate in the implementation and monitoring of the measure.

On December 3 of last year, on the international day that marks global efforts to create an environment in which people with disabilities do not feel excluded, but participating and equal, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo announced 2022 as the year of people with disabilities.

The full speech of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti:

Dear Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Mr. Hekuran Murati,
Dear Representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations,
Ladies and Gentleman,

On December 3 of last year, we announced 2022 as the year of people with disabilities. We took this decision precisely on the date, which marks global efforts to create an environment in which people with disabilities do not feel excluded, but participating and equal.

We, as the Government, have also taken the necessary steps to ensure such an environment. At the time we are talking, access to the labor market is a necessity. Therefore, we have continuously drafted and supported policies aimed at learning skills of everyone, regardless of.

Less than a month ago, we presented to you the “Government for Families” scheme. A new government measure to guarantee employment, so that every family in Kosovo has at least one employed member. While today, we are starting the joint implementation of Measure 1.6 “Supporting the Employment of People with Disabilities” of the Economic Recovery Package, and we are concretizing it as well as our cooperation by signing a bilateral agreement.

This measure, which we have designed together, aims to achieve two objectives: first, the learning of skills by people with disabilities and second, their sustainable employment.

Learning skills is intended to result in employment. In order to promote and enable guaranteed and stable employment, we promise to subsidize the worker’s salary up to 270 euros per month, for 6 months in a row, to businesses that sign a regular employment contract with people who have attended the training. So 270 euros for six months in a row, which is more than the gross level of the minimum wage, which we have already passed in the first reading in the Assembly of the Republic.

However, in the process of achieving the objectives I mentioned above, you as representatives of non-governmental organizations have an essential role. First, identifying the people who will attend the trainings and the businesses where those trainings will be held, and secondly, you must ensure that they are carried out in full coordination with the program and mission of your organization. In the meantime, we take care to identify the achievements and challenges in the implementation of the measure, which serve us, so that we can again discuss the advancement of the measure together.

As Government, we remain committed to supporting people with disabilities in employment and beyond. We consider this measure as the next step in our work to increase well-being for all our citizens. Therefore, thanking you for the cooperation so far, we hope that we will continue the fruitful cooperation even after the implementation of the measure.

Thank you very much!

Last modified: August 12, 2022

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