Zyra e Kryeministrit

Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi welcomed to the meeting the Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations for Europe, Central Asia and the Americas, Miroslav Jenča

June 21, 2024

Prishtina, 21 June, 2024
The first Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue of the Republic of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, welcomed to the meeting the Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations for Europe, Central Asia and America, Miroslav Jenča.
Assistant Secretary Jenča is conducting a Balkan tour, the next stop of which is our country, where he will stay on a two-day visit.
During the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi informed him about the situation in the country and the region, the objectives of the Government and the achievements in the last three years. He emphasized that the country is advancing and developing at a fast pace, despite the barriers we are facing. According to the latest data from KAS, the first quarter of this year has recorded economic growth at the level of 5.62%. Even the projections of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund for the coming years, as well as the international rankings of Kosovo in many fields, stand as evidence of the progress of our country.
Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi added that the growth of BPV, employment growth, the rule of law, integration into the European Union and membership in international organizations are essential goals for the Government.
Next, the dialogue process was discussed, where the Deputy Prime Minister informed the Assistant Secretary Jenča of the latest developments, expressing the constructiveness and continuous commitment of our side in this process, which unfortunately has been faced with destructiveness and lack of will and readiness for further steps and implementation of agreements by the other party.
On the destructive approach and the constant threat that Serbia presents to Kosovo, the deputy prime minister recalled that our northern neighbor has 48 forward operational bases around the border with Kosovo, continuously holds large military exercises and training a few kilometers from the border with our country and flies planes MIG 29 fighters around the border.
At the end of the meeting, the deputy prime minister thanked Mr. Jenča for the conversation, and wished him a productive and fruitful stay in Kosovo.

Last modified: June 21, 2024

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