Zyra e Kryeministrit

Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi: The progress in implementing reforms is wonderful news and a remarkable achievement for the Kosovo citizens

June 13, 2024

Prishtina, 13 June 2024 

The First Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Development and Dialogue of the Republic of Kosovo, Besnik Bislimi, reported today to the Committee on European Integration on the process of European integration.

In his introductory address, he reported on the level of implementation of the European Reform Agenda ERA II and the implementation of the National Program for European Integration in the past year.

“The Action Plan of ERA II included 15 priorities and 341 specific reforms or indicators. According to the findings of the final report on the achievements in the implementation of ERA II, by the end of last year, 245 out of a total of 341 indicators, or 72%, had been implemented”, stated the Deputy Prime Minister regarding the level of implementation of ERA II.

This represents a significant increase from the implementation level of ERA I, which was at 45%.

“Now that the implementation of both documents of the European Reform Agenda, namely ERA I and II, has been completed, we can compare the trend of reform implementation. For your information, ERA I was implemented during the period from November 2016 to December 2019. Its implementation rate was 45%, while the level of implementation of ERA II stands at 72%.” This progress in the level of implementation reveals a significant improvement in the realization of European integration reforms as well as an increase in the pace of reform implementation. Thus, the Republic of Kosovo is increasingly demonstrating its readiness to advance in European integration, gradually achieving full alignment with EU standards. The progress in implementing reforms is wonderful news and a remarkable achievement for the Kosovo citizens”, added Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi.

Furthermore, regarding the National Program for European Integration, the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that by the end of last year, the Government had approved 13 draft laws and forwarded them to the Assembly for adoption, while also listing some of the important measures implemented.

Deputy Prime Minister Bislimi’s full speech:

Honourable Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration, Mrs. Krasniqi,

Dear members of the Committee and participants,

Allow me to present the achievements in the implementation of the European Reform Agenda (ERA II) until the end of 2023. To begin with, the Action Plan of ERA II included 15 priorities and 341 specific reforms or indicators. According to the findings of the final report on the achievements in the implementation of ERA II, by the end of last year, 245 out of a total of 341 indicators, or 72% were implemented. Several very important laws were adopted during this period and are now being implemented, including:

  • Criminal Procedure Code;
  • Law on the Financing of Political Entities;
  • Law on Declaration, Origin and Control of Assets of Public Officials;
  • Law on the Agency for Prevention of Corruption;
  • Law on Public Officials and Law on Salaries in the Public Sector;
  • Law on the First and the Second Waves of the Rationalization of Agencies;
  • Law on Prevention and Protection from Domestic Violence and Gender-Based Violence;
  • Law on Elections;
  • Law on General Product Safety; Law on General Inspections; and Law on the Commercial Court;
  • Law on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources; Law on the Protection of Air from Pollution; and Law on Waste;
  • Law on Protection of Competition;
  • Law on Accreditation Agency;
  • Law for Early Childhood; and
  • Law on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases

At the same time, a significant number of reforms have been implemented during this period, among which I would like to highlight

Adoption of Strategies for:

  • Rule of Law;
  • Prevention of Terrorism and Violent Extremism
  • Migration
  • Public Administration Reform
  • Protection Against Domestic Violence
  • Protection and Promotion of Human Rights and the Rights of Communities
  • Energy, Water, and the National Park: Bjeshkët e Nemuna and
  • Public Finance Management Reform

A significant number of specific reforms have been implemented and are being continuously implemented.
For reference:

In the area of public administration, the E-Kosova services portal has been created, which is expanding daily in terms of the services provided. Mechanisms for the implementation of framework laws on public administration have been operationalized, and the administrative burden has been reduced by simplifying, merging or abolishing approximately 8% of permits and licenses for economic operators.

Regarding energy and environment, two wind energy projects with a capacity of 69 MW have been implemented. Additionally, 1600 houses and 25 residential complexes have become more efficient through the Reliable Energy Landscape  Project (RELP). Full implementation of legislation for Special Protected Areas has been achieved, an online Environmental Information System has been established, the number of illegal landfills in municipalities has been reduced, and many inspectors have been trained in waste and water management.

In the market segment and business environment, the Commercial Court has been operationalized, a unit for informing businesses about standards has been established, 10 advisory sessions for business certification and standard implementation have been conducted, at least 20 businesses have been subsidized, and the coverage of new loans through the Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund has been increased.

In justice and security, cooperation with EUROPOL has been institutionalized; prosecutors, judges, and police investigators have been trained on economic and financial crimes; the Police communication infrastructure has been advanced; the Temporary Reception Center for migrants has been operationalized; high-level appointments have been overseen, among many other measures.

Regarding employment and education, around 4000 people per year have been employed through active labour market measures; job formalization and employment support for women and persons with disabilities have been provided; a youth employment guarantee scheme has been developed and is being implemented; occupational safety and health have been improved by increasing the total number of inspections from 5000 to 6000 and increasing joint inspections between the Police and the Tax Administration; a core curriculum for vocational education and training for high schools has been developed.

The European Reform Agenda ERA II has already been concluded, and this constitutes the final implementation report. Indicators that have not yet been fully implemented have been carried over to the National Program for European Integration and will continue to be monitored.

Now that the implementation of both documents of the European Reform Agenda, namely ERA I and II, has been completed, we can compare the trend of reform implementation. For your information, ERA I was implemented during the period from November 2016 to December 2019. Its implementation rate was 45%, while the level of implementation of ERA II stands at 72%.” This progress in the level of implementation reveals a significant improvement in the realization of European integration reforms as well as an increase in the pace of reform implementation. Thus, the Republic of Kosovo is increasingly demonstrating its readiness to advance in European integration, gradually achieving full alignment with EU standards. The progress in implementing reforms is wonderful news for the Kosovo citizens.

Under the National Program for European Integration, 160 measures were planned for the past year. By the end of that year, the Government approved 13 draft laws and forwarded them to the Assembly for adoption. Whereas the Assembly has so far adopted 5 laws.

The approved laws include:

  • Law on Elections;
  • Law on Amending and Supplementing Laws Containing Special Administrative Procedures and Their Harmonization With Law on General Administrative Procedure, Second Phase;
  • Law on the Organization of the Common Market for Agricultural Products;
  • Law on Prevention and Protection from Domestic Violence and Gender-Based Violence; and
  • Law on Climate Change.

The following laws are expected to be adopted by the Assembly:

  • Law on Amending and Supplementing the Law on Allocation for Use and Exchange of Municipal Immovable Property;
  • Draft Law on the Register of Beneficial Owners;
  • Draft Law on Renewable Energy Sources;
  • Draft Law on the Independent Media Commission;
  • Draft Law on Freedom of Religion;
  • Draft Law on State Border Control and Surveillance;
  • Draft Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment; and
  • Draft Customs and Excise Code.
  • Other important measures that have been implemented during 2023 are:
  • Approval of the Kosovo Digital Agenda 2030;
  • Adoption of the Energy Strategy Implementation Program;
  • Adoption of the Agriculture and Rural Development Programme 2022-2027 and the National Plan for Organic Agriculture;
  • Adoption of the Action Plan 2023-2025 for the implementation of Multimodal Transport Strategy 2023-2030;
  • Adoption of the Industrial Development and Business Support Strategy 2030 and the Action Plan 2023-2025;
  • Adoption of the Strategy for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Communities and Their Members 2020-2027 and the Action Plan for its implementation;
  • Adoption of the National Science Program 2023-2028;
  • Adoption of numerous bylaws in the chapter on the free movement of goods; information society and media; transportation; and in the chapter on justice, freedom and security;
  • Preparation of quarterly financial and performance reports for all public enterprises;

Recruitment of 13 officers in the Competition Authority;

Training sessions have been conducted on:

  • Corporate governance of publicly-owned enterprises;
  • Product safety;
  • Public procurement – MEAT criterion/most economically advantageous tender (198 procurement officers and others from contracting authorities);
  • Intellectual property rights;
  • Competition policy;
  • Criminal investigations (for 171 police officers);
  • Integration of foreigners (400 officials);
  • Employment mediation through active labour market measures for 2,369 job seekers (1,503 women and 866 men), a total increase of 18% compared to 2022, respectively 20.6% more women and 13.6% more men than in 2022.
    •A total of 8,129 inspections were carried out by the Labour Inspectorate, representing an increase of 29%.
  • Scholarships were awarded to 467 students from the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities (244 girls, 223 boys) and to 55 university students from these communities.

Thank you!

Last modified: June 19, 2024

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