Zyra e Kryeministrit

Address of Prime Minister Kurti at the 212th meeting of the Government

July 10, 2024

Prishtina, 10 July 2024

Dear Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers,

This is the first meeting of the second semester of the year. We are working every day as you live and experience your day in your scope throughout Kosovo.

Only in the first half of this day, with the Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, we inaugurated the 1.2 million renovations in the Urology Clinic, which has been one of the clinics with the worst condition and in which no investment had been made since the declaration of independence in 2008. Then, with the Minister of Agriculture, Faton Peci, we were in Malishevë for harvesting and threshing at the farmer Asman Kryeziu, who turned the wasteland with 260 cubic meters of stones into 8 hectares of wheat fields. The yield this year seems to be high. Our expectations are that wheat production will increase by 140 thousand to 150 thousand tons of wheat, which means that we will be able to meet the domestic demand for consumption, without having to import or depend on imports.

This year, we mark the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo, we commemorate the massacres committed in our country by Serbia, but we also commemorate all the victims of the wars of the 90s in the Balkans. We remember with pain the 8372 men and boys of Srebrenica, killed and disappeared from Serbia, in the biggest massacre in Europe after the Second World War.

Last weekend, members of the Armed Forces of Serbia, cadets and veterans of the Military Academy in Belgrade, marched in a parade in Prijedor, without the permission and consent of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, just four days before marking the anniversary of the massacre of Srebrenica. Meanwhile, today we are joining the commemoration of July 11 as the day of commemoration of the genocide in Srebrenica, based also on the resolution we approved in the Assembly of Kosovo, which condemns the genocide in Srebrenica, in the corresponding resolution of the European Parliament, and following the resolution that was voted in the General Assembly of the United Nations on May 23 this year.

This is a noble and proper action, in the name of Kosovo, of our human universal, and of our desire for justice and peace. So that the genocide is not forgotten and not repeated again, neither in Bosnia and Herzegovina, nor in Kosovo, nor anywhere else in our region and in the world.

We remind you that danas nevinih žrtava genocida Srbije u Srebrenica s dubokim pozvomenom. Neka im je vječna slava i neka njuha svrata nikada ne bude zaboravljena.

In honor of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide, I invite you to hold a minute of silence.

May the victims of Srebrenica rest in peace! Glory to stoicism and human sacrifice!

Last modified: July 25, 2024

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