Zyra e Kryeministrit

34 new apartments are allocated for the housing of families from non-majority communities who have lived in collective centers

April 30, 2024

Suhadoll, 30 April, 2024

At the ceremony of the completion of the apartments as part of the housing project for families from non-majority communities who have lived in collective centers, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, accompanied by the Minister for Communities and Returns, Nenad Rashiq, was present with the case of handing over 34 keys to new apartments to families from the non-majority Roma and Serb community, in Suhadoll, Graçanica Municipality.

“We are here to celebrate 34 new apartments, housing a total of 83 family members and the new opportunities they bring to the families who will settle there”, declared the prime minister, adding that now individuals and couples, parents and children, elderly and young people can stay safe and warm in these buildings that are models of energy conservation and sustainability.

Prime Minister Kurti emphasized that the delivery of these keys today represents two reasons to celebrate: the final closing of the doors of the collective centers made possible by the adoption of the Strategy for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Communities and their members, while the other reason is the way these new homes are made possible.

Therefore, for this, the prime minister mentioned the government’s partners, saying that the cooperation between the central government, local government, international partners and civil society is what makes successful and stable communities.

“The EU office in Kosovo has made an important financial contribution together with the funds provided by the Ministry for Communities and Returns. The municipality of Graçanica donated the land and helped in the design of the communal spaces and recreational areas. UNHCR and their implementing partner, Advancing Together, have supported all these families through assessment and selection, and the Danish Refugee Council has coordinated the process throughout,” the Prime Minister declared.

Congratulating the families on the new apartments, Prime Minister Kurti told them that we want you to have the support for income generation projects, vocational training and other help to enter the labor market, so that these buildings not only be the basis for your new life, but for new livelihoods.

In the end, the prime minister gave the keys to the houses to the families and visited the spaces inside the built houses.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Your Excellency, Tomas Szunyog, Head of the EU Office and EU Special Representative, Mr. Nenad Rashiq, Minister for Communities and Returns, Mrs. Kristen Stec, Director of the Danish Refugee Council Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today we are here, present at the handing over of 34 keys. We are here to celebrate the thirty-four new apartments, which will house a total of 83 family members, and the new opportunities they offer to the families who will settle there. We can all feel the inspiration that this new beginning represents, from decent accommodation, where individuals and couples; parents and children; old and young can stay safe and warm – especially in these buildings that are models of energy conservation and sustainability.

The delivery of these keys today represents two more reasons to celebrate. The first is that the opening of the doors of these apartments reminds us of the doors of collective centers which have finally been closed.
In our Strategy for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Communities and their Members, which our government approved four months ago, we committed to the closure of these collective centers, and to the families here who lived in the Padalishte Collective Center – in some cases for more than twenty years – today reflects the end of a long journey as they are finally moving into a long-term home.

The second reason to celebrate is because of how these new homes have been made possible. The government is proud to have contributed its budget, but we know that without many other partners, we would not have been able to achieve this success. The EU office in Kosovo has made an important financial contribution together with the funds provided by the Ministry for Communities and Returns. The municipality of Graçanica donated the land and helped in the design of the communal spaces and recreational areas. UNHCR and their implementing partner, Advancing Together, have supported all these families through assessment and selection, and the Danish Refugee Council has coordinated the process throughout. This type of partnership – between central government, local government, international partners and civil society – is what makes successful, sustainable communities, and we believe in the power of this collaboration.

We know that it is not enough to have a new building. We are happy that your houses are furnished and equipped, but we also want you to have the support for income-generating projects, vocational training and other help to enter the labor market, so that these buildings do not be not only the basis for your new life, but for new livelihoods. We hope you will be able to take advantage of the initiatives offered by our government, with a special focus on non-majority communities – such as the Kosova Generation Unlimited platform for paid internships; or from the verification of diplomas starting this summer for students who have completed high school in the Serbian language system in Kosovo; or jobs in central institutions that are recruited through competitions reserved for non-majority communities; or 1 million euros allocated by the Ministry for Communities and Return this year to support the employment of non-majority communities, including start-up businesses.

So, we’re here to celebrate with you today, but also to support you moving forward. In the meantime, I extend my congratulations to all that these new houses represent – as symbols of new opportunities and the power of cooperation. I wish you health, happiness and prosperity in these new homes for many years to come! Srecno useljenje!

Last modified: May 2, 2024

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