Zyra e Kryeministrit

249th Meeting of the Government

February 23, 2025


Prishtina, 26 February 2025

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo held its regular meeting today, during which it:

1. Approved the regulation on the Local Coordination Mechanism for Protection from Domestic Violence, Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence. Combating domestic violence, gender-based violence and violence against women is one of the main objectives of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. This regulation clearly specifies the role and responsibility of the local level in this entire battle.

2. Approved the Administrative Instruction for the Emergency Telephone Line for Victims of Domestic Violence, Violence against Women and Gender-Based Violence. Victims of domestic violence, violence against women and gender-based violence need a quick and efficient response from state institutions. The emergency hotline provides immediate assistance in emergency situations and rapid referral to relevant services, ensuring that victims have access to the necessary services for their protection and empowerment.

3. Approved the Administrative Instruction amending and supplementing the Administrative Instruction on the Registration and Functioning of Non-Governmental Organizations. Through the changes foreseen in this Instruction, the deadlines for appeals against each final decision by the NGO department have been adjusted, and the deadline for reviewing requests has also been harmonized.

4. Allocated financial resources in support of the “Amadeus” Children’s Orchestra for participation in the world orchestra competitions in Vienna “World Orchestra Festival Vienna 2025”. With this support to the only children’s orchestra that is constantly active and has a wide program, we will achieve that through this representation in Vienna, Austria among participants from many countries of the world, our country and culture will be promoted through the younger generations. Support will be provided through the program fund dedicated to promoting the country within the Office of the Prime Minister.

5. Approved the Balanced Regional Development Program 2025-2027. The program foresees actions and activities for a more developed Kosovo, with sustainable and competitive regions. It defines the measures, activities for achieving the objectives, according to the priorities for balanced regional development, financial resources and responsible authorities.

6. Appointed the State Commission on Evaluation and Discipline for the Senior Management Category Civil Servant composed of the following:

o Naim Gashi, Director General at the Kosovo Accreditation Agency, member;
o Venera Çerkini, Secretary General at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, member;
o Anita Kalanderi, Secretary General at the Ministry of Justice, member;
o Besnik Aliu, external expert, member.

This Commission is chaired by the Minister responsible for public administration or his delegate.

7. Amended and supplemented Government Decision No. 07/14, dated 15 November 2017, supplemented by Decision No. 03/109, dated 2 July 2019. In order to fully operationalize the Government Commission for the Recognition of the Status of Former Prisoners, Convicted Persons and Former Politically Persecuted Persons, Xhemajl Pllana is appointed to the position of member of the Appeals Commission.

8. Approved the decision for the mid-term review of the Rule of Law Strategy and Action Plan 2025-2026.

9. Approved the decision for further consideration of the request for expropriation in the public interest of former social immovable properties, for the needs of the Central Security Institutions of the Republic of Kosovo. On this occasion, the procedure for the expropriation of former social immovable properties in the public interest begins, for the needs of the Central Security Institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, in: Atmaxhë Cadastral Zone, Prizren Municipality; and Banjë Cadastral Zone, Malisheva Municipality.

10. Established the Narcotics Commission, responsible for coordinating the activities of ministries and other competent authorities in the implementation of the National Strategy for Narcotics Control and Prevention of Drug Abuse in Kosovo.

11. Approved the Concept Document for the Field of Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Measures. The purpose of this concept document is to protect the domestic industry, by determining the rules and procedures for the imposition of anti-dumping measures against dumped imports, as well as countervailing measures against subsidized imports from other countries.

12. Amended and supplemented the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo on the establishment of the Commission for the Verification of Diplomas of the University of North Mitrovica, according to which the mandate of the commission is extended for another six months.

13. Appointed Edi Gusia to the position of Executive Director of the Agency for Gender Equality, within the Office of the Prime Minister.

14. Appointed Leonita Shabani Mullarama to the position of Secretary General of the Ministry of Economy.

15. Allocated from the “Promotion of the Country” fund 28,100 euros for the organization of the KUDO Digital Accounting Conference 2025, a proven traditional event that aims to advance digital accounting and promote Kosovo as a center for remote accounting services, and 27,500 euros for covering the exhibition space for local furniture manufacturers at the New York Build Expo 2025, one of the most prestigious construction and interior design fairs in the United States of America.

Last modified: February 27, 2025

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