Zyra e Kryeministrit

The 224th meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo

October 11, 2024

Prishtina, 11 October, 2024

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo held an electronic meeting, the 224th in a row, in which it approved:

-Increasing the benefit amount of State-funded Pension schemes starting from October 2024, for the schemes and sub-programs as follows:

1.1. Basic – social pensions, from the current amount of one hundred euros (€100.00) to the amount of one hundred and twenty euros (€120.00).

1.2. Contributory pension I – from the current amount of one hundred and eighty-two euros (€182.00) to the amount of two hundred and eighteen euros and forty cents (€218.40).

1.3. Contributory pension II – from the current amount of one hundred and ninety-eight euros (€198.00) to the amount of two hundred and thirty-seven euros and sixty cents (€237.60).

1.4. Contributory pension III – from the current amount of two hundred and fourteen euros (€214.00) to the amount of two hundred and fifty-six euros and eighty cents (€256.80).

1.5. Contributory pension IV – from the current amount of two hundred and sixty-five euros (€265) to the amount of three hundred and eighteen euros (€318).

1.6. The scheme for children with disabilities 1-18 – from the current amount of one hundred euros (€100) to the amount of one hundred and twenty euros (€120).

1.7. Disability pensions – from the current amount of one hundred euros (€100) to the amount of one hundred and twenty euros (€120).

1.8. Pension for blind people I – from the current amount of one hundred and twenty-five plus one hundred and twenty-five euros (€125+125) to the amount of one hundred and fifty plus one hundred and fifty euros (€150+150).

1.9. Pension for blind people II – from the current amount of one hundred and twenty-five euros (€125) to the amount of one hundred and fifty euros (€150).

1.10. Pension for paraplegics and tetraplegics I – from the current amount of one hundred and fifty plus one hundred and fifty euros (€150+150) to the amount of one hundred and eighty plus one hundred and eighty euros (€180+180).

1.11. Pension for paraplegics and tetraplegics II – from the current amount of one hundred and fifty euros (€150) to the amount of one hundred and eighty euros (€180).

1.12. Family pension – from the current amount of one hundred euros (€100) to the amount of one hundred and twenty euros (€120);

1.13. Work disability pension – from the current amount of one hundred euros (€100) to the amount of one hundred and twenty euros (€120).

1.14. Early retirement for Trepça – from the current amount of one hundred and twenty-six euros (€126) to the amount of one hundred and fifty-one euros and twenty cents (€151.20).

– Appointed Ad hoc Committee for Professional Evaluation for Admission to the Senior Position of the Management Category: General Secretary in the Ministry of Economy, in this composition:

1.1. Anita Kalanderi, General Secretary in the Ministry of Justice, chairperson;

1.2. Naim Gashi, General Director at the Kosovo Agency for Accreditation, member;

1.3. Venera Çerkini, General Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, member;

1.4. Florina Mehaj-Kosumi, Head of the Human Resources Management Unit at the Ministry of Economy, member and

1.5. Enis Spahiu, External Expert, member.

– Appointed Ad hoc Commission for Professional Evaluation for Admission to the Senior Position of the Management Category: Executive Director in the Geological Service of Kosovo, within the Ministry of Economy, in this composition:

1.1. Anita Kalanderi, General Secretary in the Ministry of Justice, chairperson;

1.2. Fadile Dyla, General Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, member;

1.3. Venera Çerkini, General Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, member;

1.4. Florina Mehaj-Kosumi, Head of the Human Resources Management Unit at the Ministry of Economy, member and

1.5. Enis Spahiu, External Expert, member.

-Approved the request of the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals dated October 9, 2024 for the confirmation of the general public interest in the exercise of relevant activities by the Public Enterprise “Korporata Energjetike e Kosova” Sh. A.

-Approved the allocation of budget funds in the amount of two hundred thousand euros (€200,000.00)), for the provision of assistance for recovery from the natural disaster/floods that occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

-Approved the program for the Protection of Vulnerable Electricity Consumers for the year 2024-2025.

-In order to promote the Republic of Kosovo, budget funds in the amount of €200,000 (two hundred thousand euros) are allocated for the European Girls Mathematics Olympiad (EGMO) 2025, organized by the Association of Mathematicians of Kosovo.


Last modified: October 14, 2024

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