Zyra e Kryeministrit

214th meeting of the Government

July 24, 2024

Prishtina, 24 July, 2024

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo held a regular meeting today, in which there were:

1. Approved the Bill for Affordable Social Housing. The implementation of this law includes the program for social housing, affordable housing for young couples, the reconstruction and renovation of houses for families in need, as well as the improvement of neighborhood conditions. Groups that will benefit include families in difficult economic situations, the unemployed, the homeless, victims of domestic violence, victims of human trafficking, youth, non-majority communities and other groups defined in the bill.

2. Approved the Draft Law on the amendment and completion of the Law on Sending the Kosovo Security Force Abroad. This draft law regulates the manner and procedures of sending and withdrawing the Kosovo Security Force abroad, determining participation in international peace operations and international humanitarian operations, and other activities.

3. Approved the Administrative Instruction “Education for Child Protection”, which is related to the first pillar in the 2022-2026 Education Strategy for early childhood education.

4. Appointed Board of Directors of the Central Public Enterprise “Telecom of Kosovo” Sh. A., with this composition:
– Mr. Petrit Nahi, chairman;
– Mrs. Rrezarta Pllana, member;
– Mrs. Sajmie Thaçi, member;
– Mrs. Lindita Toçi, member;

5. Appointed Board of Directors of Central Public Enterprise “Company for Landfill Management” Sh. A, with this composition:
– Mr. Afrim Konjufca, Chairman;
– Mrs. Emina Telaku, member;
– Mrs. Valbona Shala Thaçi, member;
– Mr. Petrit Pantina, member;

6. Approved the final decision on expropriation for public interest for the needs of the Central Drug Store and accommodation of the administration of the Ministry of Health.

7. Approved the final decision on expropriation for public interest for the needs of the Kosovo Correctional Service.

8. Approved the preliminary decision for expropriation and the creation of the right of easement for public interest in the City of Malisheva.

9. Approved the decision for further consideration of the request for public interest expropriation of immovable properties for the needs of Customs Terminals: Hani i Elezit, Hani i Elezit Municipality, Merdare, Podujevë and Dheu i Bardhë Communes, ZK Domoroc, Ranilluga Municipality.

10. Given for use by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the properties in the cadastral areas Jesenovik i Epërm and Çeçevë, Zubin Potok Municipality, property of the Forestry Agency of Kosovo.

11. Established the Admission Committee for the position of the Senior Management Category: Executive Director in the Forestry Agency of Kosovo, within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development.

12. Amended and supplemented Government Decision No. 06/143 of April 28, 2017 for the establishment of the Governmental Commission for the Recognition and Verification of the Status of Persons Raped During the Liberation War of Kosovo, amended and supplemented by Decision No. 16/48 of December 7, 2020 and Decision No. 02/54 of January 12, 2022. According to this amendment, paragraph 9 of point 1 is reformulated as follows: Mr. Kreshnik Oseku, MFPT – member.

13. Approved the Annual Report of Official Statistics for 2023.

14. Approved the initiative for the conclusion of the Grant Agreement between the Republic of Kosovo represented by the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers and the Government of Switzerland represented by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation for the “Integrated Management” Program of Water Resources in Kosovo Phase 2″. The purpose of this program is to support Kosovo to establish an integrated functional framework for the protection, quality, sustainable use and equitable sharing of water resources in Kosovo.

15. Approved Concept document for Research, Scientific and Innovation Activity. This document derives from the National Science Program 2023-2028, approved last year. One of the main objectives of the Program is the development of an effective system of scientific research and innovation, through the consolidation of the legal framework.

16. Established the ad hoc Commission for professional evaluation for the senior management category for Secretary General in the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers.

17. Approved the six-monthly financial report for 2024.

18. Established the scientific advisory board related to climate change.

19. Reallocated 3 million euros for 55 capital projects in municipalities.

20. Completed and amended Government decision No. 02/58 of dt. February 2, 2022, amended and supplemented by decision No. 01/166 of dt. October 15, 2023, in order to harmonize the composition of the board with the legislation in force on gender equality, and to enable the full exercise of KEK’s powers.

21. Completed and amended Administrative Instruction for Supplementing and Amending Administrative Instruction (QRK) No. 13/2022 on the Method and Procedures of Selling and Leasing Seized and Confiscated Movable and Immovable Property. This Instruction regulates the right of the Agency for the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Assets to lease real estate at the stage of sequestration without a public auction, if the real estate is requested by a public institution or state body.
The shortening of the real estate leasing procedures without a public auction in the sequestration phase is done in order to accelerate the transfer of the real estate from the Agency to the use of the public institution that requests it. This is because some assets that have already been seized are located in some strategic points of our territory, specifically in the north of the country. Their use and management by security institutions is of national importance and contributes to the increase of territorial security in general.

22. Appointed ad-hoc Admission Committee for the Senior Management Category: General Director (executive) in the Agency for the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Assets.

Last modified: July 25, 2024

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