Prishtina, 5 March, 2024
The Government of the Republic of Kosovo has held regular meetings, in which there are:
– Approved the Regulation on the Organization and Scope of Child Protection Homes. Since the beginning of the mandate, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo has focused on the development of care and welfare programs for people in social need, in particular the protection, care and welfare of children. The purpose of this Regulation is to define the organization and scope of Child Protection Homes.
– Approved the decision on the granting of use of the registered properties in the name of the Republic of Kosovo, Government Decision No. 06/134 dated March 1, 2017, for the needs of the Ministry of Defense and the Kosovo Security Force. In order to further contribute to the increase of the operational capacities of the Kosovo Security Force, the Ministry of Defense has foreseen that the properties of the former Dumoshi Airport will be given to the Kosovo Security Force for use.
– Allocated budget funds in the amount of 50,000 Euros for the financing of the “Sewage Treatment in Ferizaj” project, from borrowing funds.
– Approved the initiative for the conclusion of the Agreement for the amendment of the Agreement for the establishment of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, ratified in the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo with Law No. 04/L-069 and announced by Decree No. DL-055-2012 dated December 13, 2012 by the President of the Republic of Kosovo. This decision was approved by the Government of Kosovo in the capacity of a member of the EBRD and in accordance with the initiative of the Board of the EBRD.
– Approved the initiative for the conclusion of the Agreement for Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters between the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Government of the Republic of Austria. Through this agreement, it is intended to improve the judicial cooperation of both parties in the investigation and prosecution of crime, the extradition of persons for the purpose of prosecution or punishment, as well as the transfer of convicted persons, the implementation of prison sentences and the confiscation of income from the crime.
– Approved the National Strategy for the Control of Small Arms, Light Weapons and Explosives 2024-2028 and the Action Plan. The National Coordinator for the Action Plan for AVLE is appointed by the Minister of Internal Affairs, who can delegate this responsibility to one of the Deputy Ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. With the approval of this Strategy and Action Plan, the necessary mechanism will be advanced in accordance with international standards, for the control of small arms, light weapons and explosives, as well as a safe environment will be ensured in which SALW and explosives are under control and do not pose a risk to the country’s security.
– Approved the 2023 Annual Report on the Implementation of the Program for the Elimination of Trade Barriers according to Articles 34 – 36 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) (2021 – 2025). (TFBE). The Program for the Elimination of Trade Barriers was approved on June 22, 2021 by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo with Decision No. 22/16.
– Amended and completed Decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo No. 05/121 dated January 25, 2023 for the appointment of members of the National Qualifications Authority’s Governing Council. According to this amendment, Dr. Albana Sahiti-Morina, representative of the Ministry of Health, is replaced by Niman Bardhi.
– Allocated budget funds for the Kosovo Statistics Agency, within the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Justice in a total amount of 900,000 Euros – 300,000 Euros for each budget organization – for the realization of projects through agreements with bodies of the United Nations Organization.
– Amended and completed decision No. 09/24 of August 11, 2021 for the continuation of the mandate of the members of the Government Commission for the recognition of the status of ex-convicts and ex-political persecuted for a period of two years in this composition:
• Fadil Bunjaku, representative from the Ministry of Justice;
• Bora Duli, representative from the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transport;
• Jahë Gecaj, representative from the Ministry of Health;
• Hydajet Hyseni – Kaloshi, representative from the Assembly of Kosovo;
• Berat Luzha, representative from the Association of former Political Prisoners of Kosovo;
• Mazllum Baraliu, representative from the Association of Lawyers of Kosovo.
– Amended and completed Government decision No. 18/47 of December 10, 2021 for the continuation of the mandate of the Secretariat of the Government Commission for the recognition of the status of former convicts and former political persecuted for a period of two years in this composition:
• Shefik Sadiku, head of the Secretariat;
• Naime Sherifi, officer;
• Faik Ajeti, officer.
– Dismissed the Board of Directors of the Central Public Enterprise, Regional Water Company “Hidroregjioni Jugor” Sh. A. Prizren and has appointed the Temporary Board of this company in this composition:
• Mr. Ismet Vrapçani, chairman;
• Ms. Dhurata Gutaj, member;
• Mr. Taulant Tanushaj, member;
• Ms. Sibel Halko Shatri, member.
Last modified: March 6, 2024