Zyra e Kryeministrit

Press Release

12 Shtator, 2016

Pristina, 12 September 2016

Dialogue Ministry reports that tomorrow and day after tomorrow in Brussels will continue technical-level meetings between the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia mediated by the European Union. On the agenda of these meetings will be the issue of free movement and that for the country telephone code of the Republic of Kosovo.
Minister Edita Tahiri, at the same time the head of the technical dialogue, states that the agreement on reciprocity in vehicle registration plates between the two countries was reached last week, while in tomorrow’s meeting, the meeting of the working group on free movement will focus on the removal of remaining illegal registration plates circulating here and there in northern Kosovo municipalities.
At the meeting on the issue of telephone country code will be discussed to remove the blockade that Serbia is doing for implementing the agreement for telecom respectively telephone country code for the Republic of Kosovo.

Last modified: 12 Shtator, 2016

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