Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaci on the third day of the official visit to Brussels met with EU Vice President, Baroness Catherine Ashton

December 8, 2011

Prishtina, 8 December 2011

Prime Minister Hashim Thaci on the third day of the official visit to Brussels met with EU Vice President, Baroness Catherine Ashton.

Prime Minister Thaci thanked on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo Baroness Ashton for her personal and European Union contribution for the Republic of Kosovo.

Prime Minister Thaci stated that Kosovo remains committed to remain a strong ally and partner for peace and stability in the region and to meeting the European agenda in the Republic of Kosovo’s path toward the vision of Euro-Atlantic integration.

In the meeting between Prime Minister Thaci and Baroness Ashton it was discussed about the important processes that Kosovo is undergoing, as in the internal context, also in the field of Euro-Atlantic integration.

In this context, Prime Minister Thaci also emphasized that based on the institutional commitment of Kosovo in completely meeting the criteria and European standards of integration, the liberalization of visas for citizens of Kosovo or the start of the visa liberalization dialogue process is rightfully expected to commence in the coming days. In this context, Prime Minister Thaci welcomed the position presented by the Council of Ministers of the EU that supports starting the visa liberalization dialogue for Kosovo.

On her part, Baroness Ashton emphasized that the European Union has a high regard for the personal commitment of Prime Minister Thaci on the progress made in reforms commenced for the processes of European integration, as well as the clear Euro-Atlantic vision for Kosovo’s path.

Baroness Ashton at the meeting with Prime Minister Thaci also had a high regard for the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo in the implementation of the European agenda, and the constructive role of the Republic of Kosovo in the technical dialogue between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Serbia, by confirming strong support for the border management agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, concurrently also demanding the implementation of prior agreements.

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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