Zyra e Kryeministrit

Press Conference by the Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri regarding eighth round of technical dialogue

December 6, 2011

Prishtina, 5 December 2011

I am pleased to be able to inform you about the progress and results of the eighth round of technical dialogue.

The eighth round of technical dialogue between the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia, mediated by the European Union and in the presence of USA, was held from November 30 to December 2, 2011.

During three days of marathon talks, this round resulted in an agreement for Integrated Border Management.

In this round, other issues were also discussed such as Regional Cooperation, Telecommunications and Energy. There had been progress on these issues, but no agreement because the Serb party was not ready, trying to propose solutions not in accordance with the reality in Kosovo and in opposition to European principles.

In these talks, the delegation of the Republic of Kosovo defended the interests of the state and its citizens; it defended the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and its laws and European principles for good neighborliness and regional stability.

For us, of primary importance was the full implementation of all agreements reached up to now in technical dialogue and we have made clear Serbia’s failure to implement these agreements. In this context, we sought from the EU to justly evaluate Kosovo’s positive performance in this dialogue and to reward Kosovo with essential progress toward the EU.

The main result of this round, therefore, was the reaching of an agreement for integrated border management between two independent and sovereign states, Kosovo and Serbia, which agreed to cooperate for greater security and control over the border and to implement European values for open borders.

Integrated border management (IBM) is a European concept which must be applied between states aspiring to enter the EU as preparation for integration into the Schengen zone. Only the integrated management of state borders figures in EU legislation. This agreement is in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, with the law on integrated border management, with national strategy, etc.

With this agreement Serbia has accepted the border with Kosovo. In addition, clause 6 of the agreement states clearly that in border crossing points with Serbia, the legislation of both parties applies. On the Serb side, apply Serbia’s laws and on our side, apply the laws of the Republic of Kosovo.

Symbols, flags and stems will not be placed only in the joint zone of the IBM crossing points. That zone is a neutral zone between two existing border points; it is a zone where a joint border building will be placed. We will place the flag and all state symbols one centimeter after the end of this restricted zone. This joint zone is neutral and in neutral zones there are no symbols even now. In fact, state symbols will remain where they were, only the border building will be moved into the neutral zone. So, there is no removal of symbols at all.

The IBM agreement includes six existing border points, and not just the two which Serbia insisted upon. In each IBM border point there will be police, customs officers and other relevant agencies of the Republic of Kosovo. This agreement has sealed the result of Government action of July 25 to take control of border points 1 and 31 as well as reconfirming the implementation of the operative plan of September 16 coordinated with KFOR and EULEX. The entire goal of the barricades was to stop police and customs officers of the Republic of Kosovo from being in the north. Now, Serbia has officially accepted this presence and as a result the barricades will be removed. If they are not removed, the responsibility lies with Serbia and Serbs.

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo greatly appreciates the work of the EU and US in reaching this agreement which will be implemented under the strong guarantee of the EU and US.

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo will continue to work closely with international partners, KFOR, EULEX, the EU and USA, in order to fully implement this agreement which is in the interest of improving the life of citizens and fulfilling standards for European integration.

Thank you.

Journalists’ questions and answers given by the Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri

Kosova Sot: Can you give us more detail regarding the question of Kosovo customs officers, bearing in mind the declaration of Mr. Stefanovic yesterday, who said that Kosovo customs officers will be like puppets?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: In these moments, when the agreement is being interpreted, first I think it is important to know what integrated border management is? According to European laws and the Lisbon Treaty, integrated border management means agreement between two states to cooperate for the issue of better control and security at the border.

On this occasion, the two states are present through their respective agencies, Kosovo with its police, customs and other agencies, and Serbia on the other side. EULEX will be supporting rule of law and guaranteeing implementation of the agreement.

Serbia’s propaganda to sell this agreement to Serb opinion, in fact shows firstly that Serbia is far from the political will to implement the agreement and second, that during the talks it gave us the impression that they were dealing more with an agreement on paper than to be actively implemented.

Allow me to tell you about one moment of the talks. On the day when Chancellor Merkel addressed the Bundestag and made clear that Serbia had not fulfilled dialogue conditions to receive candidate status, all day there was no commitment from the Serb party, as all the time they were thinking about how they were losing candidate status.

In other words, we still have not seen seriousness and sincerity from Serbia regarding implementation of the agreements, or advancing forward this important dialogue, which is more significant than just dialogue. The goal is to improve neighborly relations. In the end, both states, Kosovo and Serbia, have good neighborliness as a condition for integration in the European Union.

Therefore, we as the Government, since we also have a major goal to become an EU member soon, are committed and serious about this technical dialogue.

Certainly, there are other goals such as improving the life of citizens and regional stability.

Finally, Kosovo as a new state has now given sustainable proof that it is a strong partner for stability and peace in the region.

Top Channel: Will you send this agreement for ratification in the Kosovo Parliament and another question; can you tell us technically how this agreement will be implemented in the terrain?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: This agreement will be accompanied by a technical protocol, as usually agreements on integrated border management have technical protocols.

This is now implemented in our state practice. We have agreements with other neighbors, with Macedonia, Albania and soon we will have such an agreement with Montenegro.

The technical protocol for the agreement with Albania and Macedonia is ready.

The Brussels Agreement states that the technical protocol must be signed by the three parties, Kosovo, Serbia and the European Union and after that begins the implementation of the agreement.

The guarantor for implementation of the agreements is the European Union and United States of America.

Allow me to add that this agreement will have political impact in the terrain, since this agreement in practice removes the barricades and as you will expect, the EU, US and other partners we have in Kosovo, KFOR and EULEX, are very committed to establishing the rule of law, freedom of movement, and to make conclusively the logic of barricades an issue of the past.

Vizion Plus: What does a joint building mean? Will it be in the existing crossing point or a special building in the joint zone or how will this building be?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: You from Albania should know what it is like as between Albania and Montenegro there is now such a building, established in the neutral zone and the state bodies of the two states work in the same building.

In this case, in these objects in the six points there will be police and customs from the Republic of Kosovo and agencies with competences in this field, and the equivalent will be in place by Serbia. Also, EULEX will be present as a third party, to guarantee trustworthy implementation of the agreement.

Vizion Plus: What does Kosovo benefit from this agreement?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: The benefits are political, technical and humanitarian. Politically, Serbia has recognized the state border between Kosovo and Serbia, since the IBM concept according to European laws, is a concept which is implemented only between states and only states aspiring to European integration.

Another political aspect is the reduction of tension in the northern area, removal of barricades, moving closer of Serb citizens to this side, values of rule of law and order, closer to the Kosovo Government and assuredly acceptance of services that this Government offers all citizens, including them.

On the other hand, another effect is that the Government of the Republic of Kosovo has now sent a clear message that with all those who obstruct rule of law and order and those who want to cohabit with barricades, we will be uncompromising.

In addition, another effect is the establishment of European cooperation on the border between Kosovo and Serbia, which will end negative phenomena existing in the past, such as contraband, crime etc.

Technically, I would state that the agreement for integrated border management makes it possible for Kosovo to fulfill IBM with all its neighboring states and in this case, through the technical protocol to fulfill a technical condition linked to visa liberalization.

Meanwhile, in the humanitarian aspect it creates the possibility for freedom of movement of people, goods, ideas and this will have economic effects.

Zëri: Can you talk about deadlines? A technical protocol is being mentioned, and also the removal of barricades, and in addition, agreements for freedom of movement of people. Are these two agreements related to each other, and can one be realized if the other is not?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: These two agreements do not condition one another but assist each other, but they are separate with regard to implementation.

The agreement for freedom of movement is foreseen to start on December 26, while integrated border management will be implemented as soon as is operationally possible; in other words, after the drafting and signing of the technical protocol by all three parties.

Koha Ditore: Will there be another presence of Kosovar officials at points 1 and 31, or will the current presence continue, which is limited according to the agreement between EULEX and KFOR? Have you sought from the EU a guarantee for the implementation of the agreement, and how much do you believe the agreement will be implemented?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: With regard to the presence, Kosovo’s presence at the border is according to the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and the agreement clearly emphasizes that in IBM the two states work with special jurisdiction. So, we will be present in the manner stated by Kosovo laws regarding border authority and presence, and the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. In other words, as I said earlier, this agreement reconfirms July 25, and the decisiveness of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, in extending its sovereignty, rule of law and order, in the north of the country which has been missing for a long time.

With regard to guarantees, it is the EU and USA who are the main guarantors and certainly one of the instruments which will be used, not just toward Serbia but toward us, is the European perspective.

So, each state that wishes to progress toward the EU must implement not only this agreement but everything achieved until now.

Radio Dukagjini: When we talk about barricades, you say continually that they will be removed with this agreement. During these three days of negotiations, have you sought guarantees from Serbia that they will be removed, or simply you think that this agreement obliges Serbia to remove them?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: This agreement, not only is welcomed by all relevant international factors, but as I said, is guaranteed by the EU and US.

KFOR and EULEX, if you remember once said that they wanted a political solution for the question of border management, in order to give them greater space for action.

And so the agreement was reached and we expect effective results to establish the values of freedom of movement and rule of law.

If I had wanted to analyze Serbia’s political mentality, I could say that Serbia still continues with a mentality from the past. Perhaps they are not clear in their minds about whether they are ready for Europe. It has been said in various diplomatic circles that Serbia is not ready for Europe.

However, if Serbia decides to be part of Europe, then it is clear that barricades and European principles are entirely in opposition.

Balkan Insight: Who should remove the barricades? Do you have a name; is it Serbia, the leaders in the north, as it is clear that Serbia has not managed to exercise pressure on Serbs in the north? Is it KFOR or EULEX, who?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: All those that you mentioned will be together. The issue of removing the barricades or question of concluding Serbia’s hegemonic policies in the region is a question primarily for Serbia.

Serbia is being asked to give up from its destructive policies and one of the actions that Mr. Tadić can do, regardless of limited influence, is to stop financing parallel structures because he can do that. And besides that he and Serbia’s leadership must demonstrate that they are a European state. This is up to them.

On the other hand, we as the Government of the Republic of Kosovo have a joint and well coordinated plan with KFOR and EULEX, and with our key international partners, the EU and USA.

I think that we as the Government and also the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo continually show our seriousness to implement a European vision in Kosovo, so this good cooperation will give results and end barricades and the logic of barricades.

Klan Kosova: with regard to the green border line, what did you agree, how will it be defined? And the revenue collected from the border points with Serbia, will it enter Kosovo’s budget directly or go to Serb municipalities?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: Immediately, I can answer about customs. Customs revenue, according to international law, is of a national character in the entire world, and also here. So, it will directly go to the Kosovo budget.

With regard to management of other zones, green or blue, all will be done in accordance with European laws on integrated border management. There is a clear legality and we have our law on integrated border management and a national strategy for this issue.

So we have a legal basis and on that basis we will deal with all challenges relating to this field.

Radio Kim: You said that you will put in place a centimeter far from the joint object your symbols. Will this affect this agreement between the two states?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: I gave this declaration on the basis of the agreement reached in Brussels for integrated border management, because the agreement states clearly that only in the zone where joint objects are placed, are there no symbols. Naturally, as soon as the perimeter of the building ends, there will be immediately the flag and symbol of the Republic of Kosovo, as an independent and sovereign state, recognized by the strongest part of the world and most countries in the region and recognized by the European Union and beyond.

So, Kosovo is an independent and sovereign state and this sovereignty was the basis for talks in Brussels and the expression of our commitment to the European concept of integrated border management between Kosovo and Serbia, as inter-state borders.

Evropa e Lirë: You said that if the barricades are not removed, we will be uncompromising. What does this mean? What are you ready to do to remove the barricades?

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri: Allow me once again to repeat how we are without compromise. We will be uncompromising toward criminal groups and those who cohabit with the logic of barricades.

I can say that we have grounded information that citizens in the northern area, Serb citizens, do not want to be part of such logic or barricades.

Therefore, we as the Government will open up dialogue with Serb citizens in the northern area, to assure them that we as the Government will extend a hand to each citizen and are in the service of all our citizens without exception and in the service of the national interest of the Republic of Kosovo.

Thank you. Good-bye.

Last modified: July 28, 2022

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