Zyra e Kryeministrit

Press release – The eighth round of technical dialogue is concluded

December 3, 2011

December 3, 2011

The eighth round of technical dialogue between the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia, mediated by the European Union with the participation of the USA, lasted three days and resulted with the agreement for the Integrated Border Management and with progresses in relation to the implementation of the agreements reached in the previous rounds. Efforts were made in this round to also find a solution for the issues of Regional Cooperation, Telecommunication and Energy, but to no avail since the Serbian party showed unwillingness by proposing solutions which no not comply with the reality in Kosovo and in the region as well as colliding with European principles.

The delegation of the Republic of Kosovo is engaged in finding solutions benefiting the state interests of Kosovo as well as being in compliance with European standards for good neighbouring relations and regional stability.

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri who is also the leader of Kosovo delegation in the technical dialogue, and also in this round of dialogue, has insisted on the full implementation of all agreements during the technical dialogue and meetings at the experts’ level were also conducted confirming that the agreement on returning registry books will commence the implementation as of December 5th and the agreements of the freedom of movement as of December 26th, 2011. Actions plans for the other agreements have also been drafted as well as for their full implementation which will unfold according to the dynamics decided upon.

The Integrated Border Management agreement is reached in compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, the law and the strategy of Kosovo for the Integrated Border Management and fully in line with the spirit of the high European standards, in compliance with the Treaty of Lisbon and the EU legislation and criteria.

This agreement pertains to the cooperation between two states, Kosovo and Serbia, according to the European concept for the integrated management of the border between two states and by accepting the agreement, Serbia has in practice recognized the inter-state border with Kosovo. The state of Kosovo already implements such agreements with the neighbouring countries such as with Macedonia and Albania, and it is expected that the agreement with Montenegro will be signed soon.

This agreement helps in approximating our country with the EU and confirms the EU agenda for Kosovo and the western Balkans. The implementation of this agreement contributes to the better functioning of the rule of law throughout the territory of Kosovo by placing a special emphasis on the inter-state border zone between Kosovo and Serbia.

The goal of the agreements lies in a higher border security according to best European practices which are progressively advanced by the European Commission.

Integrated Border Management shall be implemented in all border crossings between Kosovo and Serbia and in compliance with the legislation of each country. In the practical aspect this shall be implemented as soon as possible and the Technical Protocol shall be drafted and signed for this very purpose.

The stated agreements categorically denies any attempt of Serbia in polarizing the European concept of Integrated Border Management and also explicitly rejects the allegations by the Serbian party in imposing a solution which have political implications which go beyond European standards for such matters.

Consultations of the delegation of Kosovo with the EU mediators shall continue in the following days for agreements on Regional Cooperation, Energy and Telecommunications as well as following up with the implementation of agreements reached during the technical dialogue.
In this round of talks, Deputy Prime Minister, Edita Tahiri, is accompanied by Lirim Grajçevci and Dren Zeka – dialogue advisors. Experts: on Integrated Border Managements, Fisnik Rexhepi – advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs, Shaban Gruda – assistant director of the Border Police of the Police of Kosovo, and Naim Huruglica – Director of Kosovo Customs, and experts on the Freedom of Movement, Flamur Mrasori – head of the cabinet of the Governor of the Central Bank, and Rrahim Pacolli – director of the board of Kosovo Insurance Association.

IBM  Agreed Conclusions

1.    In line with the Lisbon Treaty, and relevant EU legislation  and given that both parties are part of the EU’s Western Balkans agenda, they will be required gradually to harmonise their legislation with the EU acquis and in particular to apply the concept of IBM;

2.    In the interest of faster and more effective processing, the parties, under the overall guidance of the EU, will apply the concept of IBM;

3.    The parties intend gradually to set up joint integrated posts at all their common IBM crossing points. This cooperation will follow the best European practice as it is progressively further developed by the European Commission. The work will be given a high priority; the projects will be identified jointly and will be implemented as soon as practically possible;

4.    The joint, integrated, single and secure posts will be located within a ‘common area of IBM crossing points’, jointly delineated, where officials of each party carry out relevant controls. Exceptionally, and limited to the common IBM areas, the parties will not display symbols  of their respective jurisdictions ;

5.    The arrangements will include a balanced presence, in line with requirements, from both parties of all related services such as customs, police etc. and will cover matters such as the location of the crossing points, the nature of the facility, opening hours etc. In line with its mandate  at the crossing points Jarinjë/Rudnice and Tabavije/Bërnjak, this presence will include EULEX officials. EULEX will also be present at crossing points Dheu i Bardhë/Konqul, Merdare/Merdarë, Mutivodë/Mutivode and Depce/Muçibabë;

6.    At the core of the arrangement there will be a clear assignment of applicable legal responsibilities and liabilities to each party’s jurisdiction; 

7.    A tri-partite implementation group, chaired by the EU, will be established to implement above arrangement as soon as practically possible. For that purpose, a technical Protocol will be developed and signed, if necessary separately with the EU, which will take account of the parties’ different views on the question of status. The implications of these conclusions will  be taken into account in implementing freedom of movement;

8.    This agreement does not cover any general or specific revenue or fiscal matters;  

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Last modified: July 31, 2022

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