Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister of Republic of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi meets head of Socialist Party Edi Rama

November 26, 2011

Prishtina, 26.11.2011

Following there is the complete statement by Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi following the meeting.

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: I had the pleasure to meet tonight with the leader of the Albanian opposition, Mr. Rama and his delegation.

We talked about the close cooperation between the state of Kosovo and the state of Albania, where the opposition is also playing an important part in supporting all the engagements for the consolidation and strengthening of the state of Kosovo, and especially their support in raising awareness for the new recognitions of the Republic of Kosovo.

Of course, we also discussed about our cooperation in all interstate areas between the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Albania; education, diplomacy, economy and culture.

This visit is taking place on the eve of the November festivities, the declaration of the independence of Albania, birthday of the KLA Legendary Commander Adem Jashari and the National Flag Day.

We congratulated each other and allow me to express my best wishes to all the Albanians for these festivities.

I also had the pleasure to receive a book from Mr. Rama, whom I congratulate and commend for his writing skills and for the presentation he has made.

Therefore, one more time I congratulate Mr. Rama on his best successes in politics, his career and his work. We will continue to cooperate closely for the European perspective of Kosovo, the European perspective of Albania and for the European perspective of the entire region.

Statement by Mr. Rama following the meeting

Edi Rama: It was like always a special pleasure to meet with Prime Minister Thaçi, who is not only Prime Minister of Kosovo, but is also a very good and respected friend by all of us, at an important moment on the eve of a great holiday, like the Independence and Flag Day. I have the privilege to spend this day here, and have the opportunity to visit the Prime Minister and places of significant national symbolic.

We talked about the integration process; a process that we hope will open and unfold soon, that of the visa liberalization also for the citizens of Kosovo.

I had the pleasure to give the Prime Minister also a copy of our new program, the program of the Socialist Party and of the Albanian opposition and one important idea we are developing in the education aspect is the idea of a unified education system of Kosovo and Albania to allow all the children and our youngsters to gain education within the same system.

Of course I reiterated what is known to all that not only the socialist party and the opposition but the entire political spectrum in Albania is firmly in support of Kosovo and its political leadership.

Kosovo is one of our permanent and unchangeable line that brings together all the political class in Albania.

Last modified: July 28, 2022

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