Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: Integrated Border Management is a European model

November 16, 2011

Prishtina, 16 November 2011

In the meeting chaired by Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo approved the Draft Law on Humanitarian Demining, a Mining Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo and various decisions regarding areas of constitutional or legal responsibility.

The Draft Law on Humanitarian Demining, approved today by the government cabinet, regulates the activity of demining, one of the functions of the Kosovo Security Force. The Mining Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo, approved by the Government, specifies the development of this important sector for Kosovo’s economy in the period between 2012 and 2025.

The government cabinet approved a decision for the reallocation of funds to the budgetary line of the Kosovo Regulatory Authority. The Government approved a similar decision for the reallocation of budgetary lines to the Kosovo Police and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport.

The Kosovo Government appointed Ahmet Zejnullahu as head of the Kosovo Forestry Agency, and Murat Meha was appointed head of the Kosovo Cadastral Agency.

Deputy Prime Minister Behxhet Pacolli informed the government cabinet regarding lobbying plans for increasing the number of recognitions of Kosovo’s independence. Deputy Prime Minister Pacolli stressed that activity will concentrate on countries which have still not recognized Kosovo’s independence and which cover three global continents: Africa, Asia and America.

Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri talked about the technical dialogue process with Belgrade in Brussels. She stressed that after pressure by the European Union on Serbia, it is expected that dialogue will continue without conditions. In future talks it is expected to discuss issues regarding regional cooperation, telecommunications, energy and integrated border management.

Deputy Prime Minister Tahiri emphasized that the Kosovo Government will insist that the continuation of dialogue be accompanied with the implementation of agreements reached up to now.

The Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, commenting on technical dialogue with Belgrade, emphasized that in order to understand properly the topic of integrated border management, it is important to read well the Law on Integrated Border Management, because comments in recent days regarding this issue do not relate to reality. Integrated border management does not mean talks about the border. These are two separate issues, said Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi.
“Integrated border management is a European model, with the same standards and criteria for all neighboring states, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Serbia.

So once again let me emphasize we need to be very clear, everyone who has had and has institutional state or political responsibility, in no circumstances must confuse terms, or make claims distorting our commitments, and must not confuse integrated border management with the question of borders”, said Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi

The Minister of Foreign Affairs informed the government cabinet about the international conference that will be organized by the Kosovo Government and European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) where Kosovo’s internal stability will be presented.

In the context of diplomatic developments about Kosovo, Minister Enver Hoxhaj emphasized the holding of a conference for investors in Rome, where Kosovar ministers will present the opportunities and potential that Kosova offers for investment in various economic areas.

At the proposal of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, the Government approved the creation of an inter-ministerial working group, which will specify methodology, drafting of a deep policy analysis and evaluation of financial implications for the next five years, for a draft law on recognition of the status and rights of categories deriving from the UCK war.

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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