Zyra e Kryeministrit

The obelisk of the fighter Isni Rama – Raketa is revealed

August 3, 2024

Molliq, Gjakova, 3 August, 2024

Today, in Molliq of the Municipality of Gjakova, the obelisk of the Isni Rama-Raketa fighter was discovered, where the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, was invited.
Unable to be part of this ceremony, Prime Minister Kurti conveys a greeting to the Rama family.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete welcoming speech:

Dear family of Isni Rama, Commander “Raketa”,
Ms. Zyher Rama,
Daughters, Blerta and Burneta and
Boys, Burim and Besar,
Dear comrades of the Rocket in Koshare and wherever you contributed,
Dear government and municipal officials,

Today, on his 65th birthday, where in a few days it will be 15 years since he passed away, Molliqi is honored with this square and this obelisk, with one of the distinguished warriors, the great patriot, Isni Rama, or as he was known as Commander “Rocket”. There are 10 days between his birthday and the date of Commander Raketa’s death. But, between these dates, for 50 years that he lived, such a great work and such a high example is as inspiring for the new generations as it is rare for history.

Those who knew him spoke highly of him. Each time they show new things, because there is so much to say. In our glorious Army for the Liberation of Kosovo many girls and boys, men and women joined returning from exile. Some of them even received the most prestigious title, that of martyr. From exile, more precisely, Rijeka, Croatia, Isni Rama returns to Kosovo with the whole family.

We all honor and respect April 9, not only because it is the Constitution Day of our Republic, but because above all and before all, it is the day when the Albanian-Albanian border was broken. Under the leadership of Naser Vllasi, initially Commander of “Fitimit”, but then baptized with the nickname “Cobra”, the unit with this name, composed of: Isni Rama “Raketa” from here, the village of Molliq of Gjakova, Qamil Jasiqi, Albert Kuqi, Fadil Maloku “Mortaja” and Arif Maloku, all four of them from Junik, Xajë Çelaj “Kosova” from Sopot, Albania, Arben Sejdiu from the village of Shishman of Gjakova, Beqir Gori from Istog and Bajram Neziri, also from Molliq, terrified Serbia. There are many documentaries, texts and interviews of the superiors of the soldiers of Serbia who still cannot believe the efficiency, accuracy and speed of the attack by the KLA towards them, led by the commander, the hero, Agim Ramadani – KATANA.

I want to share only a part of Naser Vllasi’s story, when he had positioned the soldiers in undistinguished places and by himself went to the front, where somewhere 30-40 meters near them was a platoon of the Serbian army with 3 82-mm mortars and with the other support platoon, Isni Rama, had approached him and said, I quote: “I will not leave you alone Commander, you never risked yourself for us.”

Blessed are we who had him, blessed is the family that raised him.

Forever: Thank you, Isni Rama, ” Raketa” Commander.

Last modified: August 5, 2024

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